We lost power Saturday night and didn't get it back until late last night.
Mike, I think Bob told you what you need to know but if you have more questions feel free to pm me directly. Basically, since the matches are UL anything goes as far as equipment (except mechanical triggers!).
Bob, yes the start time is 1:00 pm. Plenty of time for you to head over here from the Eastern Shore.
Bruce: Thanks. Current plan is to drive down. I'm looking forward to it.
Do I see a generator in your near future? Amazing you were out that long being as far away as you were from most of the action. My heart goes out to the folks in Eastern NC and those south. Maybe it was not a giant storm, but a few inches of water can do amazing damage.
Hope all is back to normal and you did not lose too much from the freezer. bob
Didn't you mean "except electronic triggers" and not mechanical?