Black Creek final match results


We had a great turnout today... 15 shooters for two matches. Nice way to end a really good year at Black Creek. Thanks to all of the shooters that turned out this year.

Ron Uthus shot a 750 in the second match. Congratulations, Ron!

SOTY match

Ken Camper 250- 20X
Ron Uthus 250-13X
Bruce Hornstein 249- 16X

Ken Camper 249- 18X
Bruce Hornstein 249- 18X
Mac See 248- 14X

Mac See 250- 14X
Ken Camper 250- 16X
Bruce Hornstein 250- 15X

CLUB match

Bruce Hornstein 250- 18X
Ken Camper 250- 17X
Ron Uthus 250- 17X

Ken Camper 250- 20X
Ron Uthus 250- 17X
Kathy Ansbach 250- 13X

Bruce Hornstein 250- 19X
Ron Uthus 250- 17X
James Hickman 250- 12X
Thank you Bruce!

Thank you Bruce!

Just wanted to be the first to thank Bruce for running what I consider a first class range experience. I have enjoyed shooting at Black Creek. It is a first class range with first class shooters and a first class Range Master! it is difficult enough to be on the top of your game while just shooting. Try running a match and shooting one time and you will appreciate Bruce's focus and attention to detail. I always enjoy the time spent at Black Creeks exceptional facility!

Thanks for all you do Bruce

PS: Bruce was also the Shooter Of The Year at Black Creek!
Congratulations Bruce!
Congratulations to all the shooters, especially Bruce. You did great!

I shot for 15 years while being the Rangemaster at my home range, and it's no easy task. Plus, back in 1998 and 9 at the IR Nationals @ Black Creek I helped Kay C. out by running half of the lines for the 2 days, while also doing most of the line calling for the Thursday and Friday practice days along with doing the weight and scope verifications as shooters arrived, so have some experience with Black Creek.

Of all the ranges I've shot, I've always liked Black Creek the best, especially if you're lucky enough to draw one of the benches that has to deal with the swirls coming off the Trap House. Or, is that still there?

Good shooting.

Dave Shattuck
Congratulations to all the shooters, especially Bruce. You did great!

I shot for 15 years while being the Rangemaster at my home range, and it's no easy task. Plus, back in 1998 and 9 at the IR Nationals @ Black Creek I helped Kay C. out by running half of the lines for the 2 days, while also doing most of the line calling for the Thursday and Friday practice days along with doing the weight and scope verifications as shooters arrived, so have some experience with Black Creek.

Of all the ranges I've shot, I've always liked Black Creek the best, especially if you're lucky enough to draw one of the benches that has to deal with the swirls coming off the Trap House. Or, is that still there?

Good shooting.

Dave Shattuck


The trap-house is still there but I don't use benches 13,14 or 15 to avoid it. I've shot over it plenty and shot really bad and also pretty good and have seen guys shoot side by side and have the same experience. I'm not sure if it's that horrible but I took it out of the equation so shooters didn't have to angst about drawing those benches.

I hear a lot about Black Creek back in the day and I know there were a lot of huge matches held there. It's still a great range. We're really lucky to have it and owe Kay C. a lot of gratitude for letting us continue to use it.