Bill Myers

Bill & Inez

You will both be in our prayers, here in Central Indiana. Hang in there and hang onto each other......remembering, God only wants good things for you both.

Hope to hear you're improving everyday, Bill. Get better and get home, buddy!
All the best......Lee McFarland
Bill is home, but it might be a good idea to give the house a call before you come by. If he's awake, then a visit would be good. If he's sleeping or not feeling well, probably not a good idea. So, please just call first. Thanks.

Bill & Inez,

I only wish I lived closer as I would dearly love to pay a visit. Instead, what I'll do is wait until the other side of the weekend, then give a call,

Dave Shattuck

Here is my sincere hope that you have licked this condition and come back stronger than ever. My prayers are with you and Inez. No one has contributed more to BR Rim Fire game than the two of you, and no one is more fun to see at the events.
Rest. Rest. And then rest assured you have many many friends and acquaintances who are thinking about you. If you need any good books to read, or any thing else, kindly let me know. When it is all behind you, you know many folks will be looking for you back at the Range.
Best wishes for full and speedy recovery, Doug Miller
Bill I don't know you but I know what your going through. Words can't describe these darkest hours. If it makes you feel any better 6 years ago I had testicular cancer and took bleomycin, cisplatin, and VP-16 for about five months. I lost a testicle and half a bladder and most of my lymph nodes. In my darkest hour when I thought I'd never feel well again it was really hard to manage my feelings. When your irritable and cranky it's not your fault. After it was over one day I woke up and after eating some breakfast I realized that I felt better than the day before. Slowly day by day I felt better and better until after about six months it wasn't the first thing on my mind when I woke in the morning. I still piss blood from time to time and get tired pretty easy but I cherish the time the good lord has given me. He has allowed me to bury my mother and my grandfather who would have been devastated had they buried me. I'm praying that you don't suffer too much and I'll be putting you on the prayer list at church tomorrow. Gods timing is perfect and he has a plan for you.
Two things I couldn't have lived without during those times were the medications hydrocodone and xanax. If your not getting these drugs now insist your doctor let you have a shot at them. If you decide to take the hydrocodone make sure your prescribed a stool softener.
Best wishes
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I don't believe we've met, but anyone who likes benchrest shooting, qualtiy rimfire gunsmithing, and Maine lobsters just has to be cured!!!

If you come to Maine, I'd love to meet you and talk guns, etc....over lobsters. My treat!

John Picher
Hey Bill and Inez !

I don't frequent this board like I did when I was actively competing, so I was caught unawares of your recent health issues. I hope that you fare well and are able to pull the trigger again really soon. You know that I always loved giving you the business and always counted you as a good friend ! Take care that you mind your doc's and your lovely wife ! She'll keep you straight ! Your old benchrest buddy, Ken Pointer
Bill & Inez

You are both in our thoughts and prayers,
Martin & Marsha