Bill Myers has left the range.

bill myers

I didn't know Bill Myers personally. But his memory will live on forever in all of us. ifldned

The prayers and good wishes are appreciated now more than ever.

Fred, a small trophy given in Bill's name at any club -- for any class -- would be lovely. Bill's special interest and talent lay in building and shooting sporters and nobody loved pulling that sporter trigger more than Bill Myers. Any club, any class would be a huge tribute to him.

Bill Zabarowski told me today he called Bill a few weeks ago to see how things were going and here Bill was, too weak to get out of bed, sick as a dog and barely able to speak, still interested in anything to do with rimfire shooting, offering solutions and answering questions. He was always thinking about ways to make shooting more accurate, he was never bored with the subject and some of the ideas he came up with over the years were simply amazing.

I'd like to believe there's a direct line from Heaven to Benchrest Central so that he can log on to catch up on rimfire news every day.

Inez- My sympathies and condolences to you and your family.


Mark Field
Inez, I remember when you and Bill were newlyweds. Time goes so fast. You and Bill have always added so much to every match you attended. Both of you have friends throughout this country and beyond. You have always been a very gracious lady. I wish you the very best. Sadly, glynn angle

We are all deeply saddened by your loss. Bill was truly one of greatest rimfire gunsmiths of all times as well as being relentless in his striving to better our sport and will be remembered dearly for his efforts well into the future.

Dave Shattuck
Inez -

This is truely sad, sad news. Please accept our condolence for your loss. We feel the loss also as Bill added to and enriched our lives by knowing him.

Ben & Marcy Hedrick

Sue and I and truly sorry for you and your family's loss, please accept our deepest condolences. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Roger and Susan

My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and the family. Bill was special, unique, genuine, sincere and loved, he played an important role in my life and am truly blessed and grateful that our paths crossed. It was always a joy to talk to Bill and he always made my day. Our last conversation, Bill was still upbeat and positive, my only regret is that I never got the chance to meet him.

We hoped and prayed that Bill would be here a while longer, but it wasn't meant to be. Inez, through this difficult time may the Good Lord give you the strength. Bill helped so many and was a true inspiration to the sport. I will deeply miss him.

My prayers are with you and the family.

God Bless,

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.Bill will be missed by many.

from myself I would like to wish yourself and your family my condolences on your loss. I never met Bill or had the pleasure of dealing with him but any loss is a big loss.

I know his many talents and the friends he shared conversation will miss him greatly. It is amazing how a grown man can get choked up about someone they never knew.

I hope you are right in there being a direct line from Heaven to Benchrest Central. We have lost to many great people from the world of Benchrest.

Calvin Yanchycki
Bill was an inovator, a marksman, and a gentleman he will be missed.

It is with a heavy heart, we offer our sympathy for your loss. Chuck hasn't cried in forty years, but hearing of Bill's passing brought tears to his eyes. A wonderful craftsman, and friend - he will be sorely missed. We will cherish even more the beautiful Sporter he built for us. You and your family remain in our prayers.
In Christ,
Chuck & Pat
May comfort come for you and your family. May God find His way into your pain and give you solice. My prayers go out to you.

John M. Carper

It is a very sad day that Bill has left us. I only have known him for about a year and have not met him other than by phone. I have a beautiful heavy rifle that he made as well as an awsome sporter that was finished this spring.

Bill was very special and I will think of him every time I use the rifles. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Although I've never met Bill, it seems that I knew him through this board and by shooting with others who had some of his fine rifles. He was one fine gentleman and a heck of a rimfire benchrest gunsmith!

This Saturday, May 15th, at our Capitol City R&P IR50/50 Unlimited match we will honor Bill by having period of silence, followed by firing a "Sighter Salute". I also intend to score all "X"s as "M"s in his honor.

A small tribute to a man who's given the game so much!

John Picher
Rimfire Benchrest Match Director
One of the nicest guys has left us.

What a great man. I am so sorry for your loss. Our lives have been diminished by Bill's passing. We lost a great shooter, gentleman and gunsmith.
You and the family lost far more. We will miss him too.


I never met Bill in person, but of course competed with friends who knew him and own his wonderful rimfire rifles. I never heard anything but words of greatest respect and admiration.....when ever Bills' name came up. He truly changed the lives of many rimfire shooters for the better, and not just with his guns.......but by the man that he was..... and he will always be one of the greats where rimfire accuracy is accomplished.

May God give you the comfort of His love, and give you the comfort of your many memories of Bills' smile and personna. You and the family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Lee McFarland
We Were All Lucky To Know Billy And Call Him Our Friend.

Mr Bill Meyers

I wish I had a chance to make you acquaintance but your work and memories will live on beyond our physical existence. I hope to experience one of your rifles in my time. Godspeed, my heart felt condolences to your family and friends. ifldned
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