Bill Calfee Passed today.


Well-known member
This is a post I copied from Bill’s site. It was posted by Jeff Patterson.

It's with great sadness, a very heavy heart that I must announce that Bill Calfee passed from this world today.
Renown Gunsmith, with a World of Records and achievements. There will Never Be Another....... My mentor, my friend....... I will miss you.

Jeff Patterson"

There will be many more words to come but for now let me just say: Rest in peace, Bill

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I’m in shock. We should keep his legacy alive by sharing in his enthusiasm for accuracy.
I appreciate every shred of knowledge that has come my way by Mr. Calfee and his friends
Very sorry to read this news, I always liked Bill, and his work. Enjoyed talking with him back in the day, Never met him in person but always wanted to, My condolences to his family,
I heard today that Bill Calfee passed away, such a great man that gave so much to this sport. His mind and his hands will probably never be equalled, Rest in Peace Mr Calfee Friend Bill
I met Bill in 2001 when I started competing in 22 Benchrest. He has been a dear friend ever since that day. He has built me some wonderfully accurate guns over the years. We have shared my ups and downs during my years of competition. Nothing give me more pleasure than winning big events and sharing them with him over the phone and stopping by his house to share in person. He was always as happy for me as I was for myself. Everyone knows of his knowledge, building of winning guns, and absolute love of accuracy and our benchrest game. Let me share a personal story of Bill and his other side.

I lost my Mother in August of 2010. We returned to my cabin after her funeral to this drawing "Mother's Glory" that Bill had left on my doorstep. He had traveled a 3 hour round trip to show his care for me and to offer comfort to me and my family. This was on 8/11/2010, exactly 14 years to the day that Bill left us.

I'm positive that my Mary met him at Heavens Gate with a huge hug and a peck on his cheek as she always did. Bill was always a special person that I wish more people had the pleasure to know personally, but he was a private person that guarded his private life.

RIP my friend.

Mike Sherrill
"Big Dog"
"Back Death"

Never met him, but his knowledge and influence is well known across the World.
I'm honoured to be part of his forum and have had many conversations with him.

My condolences to his family and friends.
R.I.P. Bill
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OMGosh... first, my sympathies to the family. Though I never met Bill personally, he did mentor me afar via phone and emails when I started BR shooting in NV in the early 2000's. He had a great influence on my shooting, both in understanding the "game" and more importantly understanding the lowly .22LR rimfire. He used to ship me out a couple of boxes of ammo, at no cost, to try out what worked best in my annies - as long as I reported back the results. He would hold various lots aside until I made a choice. I cut and saved his articles and emails - they were my bible. Personally, IMVHO, between his knowledge, ability to share, the guns he built, the experiments he did, and the people he helped - there has been no greater influence and mentor in the rimfire game.

Yes, I know I speak to the choir. He will be missed.
My sympathies and condolences to his family and friends.

Chuck "DesertBrat" Armstrong.
Bill was one of the most humble, soft spoken and generous person I believe I ever met in the shooting sports. Thank you Bill, God Bless
