Bigfoot body found in Georgia.

So, it is a gorilla suit frozen in a block of ice.

The Clayton Co. (GA) cop involved in the hoax has been fired. The chief made a photo op of the occasion, and gave his reason for dismissal. Cops got to have integ'ity, and he ain't got no integ'ity, or something to that effect.
As I said about practical jokes in the other thread, they can have unexpected consequences like losing your job! :rolleyes:

AL, mate, if I had a bounty like that on my head, none of you ,ever,never,ever would even smell me, let alone draw a bead on me. :)

Your right! Hey they got 50 million on Bin Laden's head and never pulled a hair. I still can't help but think the old sod is on the French Rivera sucking on a cold one and laughing his A$$ off.
I still can't help but think the old sod is on the French Rivera sucking on a cold one and laughing his A$$ off.
I thought I saw him on television. He was firing a cop: He done emba'assed de whole de-pa't-ment.
Bein' frum souf Jawga a puhson kuud git ufendeded frum yall makin' fun 'bout owr axent. We is ejicated down heuh.:eek:
It occurs to me that my last post was non sequiter. Big Al was referring to Bin Laden, and I was talking about Bigfoot. Oh well.

Hey Yote. Thanks for the cover.
At the very least.

Rule of Thumb on Bigfoots or Bigfeet:

If you don't know what something is and it is not bothering you or someone else. Don't shoot it'.:) Look at it this way, you can tell the story and you can make him bigger and you have done your part to save a species. Besides, It will take up your whole freezer.

Concho Bill
Its a hypothetical question .

What if you shot what you thought was a whitetail deer but when you inspected the kill it was some idiot dressed up in a deer suit. Could you be charged with murder or wrongfull death or something?
Its a hypothetical question .

What if you shot what you thought was a whitetail deer but when you inspected the kill it was some idiot dressed up in a deer suit. Could you be charged with murder or wrongfull death or something?

Possibly ...

if you gutted him...

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Sure glad we have had this discussion.
I will not be wearing my bigfoot suit when I go hunting in Norther Georgia.
...and it was so warm.:)

Concho Bill
Hey Bill

If you were to wear a bit of blaze orange, and carry something chambered in 458 Lott , you might just be able to get away with wearing that old suit of yours. :)
Since 1492....

No one seems to have tagged a "Bigfoot". That the First Nations had legends about such creatures does not render them a fact. I am not interested in "but what about the time that...". No. Show me the facts. I also realize that hiding Bigfoot is part of The Conspiracy involving the Elders of Zion, the Trilateral Commission, the Bush family, Vince Foster's death, and the hordes of black helicopters that fill the skies, oh, and Area 51, but you would think that in the past 500 years something tangible would have turned up. As an aside, have you ever wondered why the aliens from other galaxies always abduct the most stupid people?