Best 50y 22 rimfire scope


Just returned from a practice day at the range and to answer your question..Yes, the Mueller 40X56 will focus down to 20 yards and just a little bit closer...


Fantastic Dave and I really appreciate you going to that trouble for me.

Getting one here might be the next problem. No one retails them here and retailers in the US don't have them yet but I have a friend in Virginia that might be able to forward them to me.

Hope yours does the job well for you and thank you very much again.

Well there's a bit of time past since this thread was active but have the Mueller now and just want to give the thumbs up for this scope. We fitted it up to a club rifle a Anschutz 1903 BR. Everyone is impressed with the scope and its operations, clarity, brightness and the cross hairs reticle. We've all had good experience with various scope and a handful of us are very keen benchrest shooters and we are all in agreeance this is a very good low price option for what we do which is .22 bench.