Berger 210 BT?



Anyone tried the new Berger 210 BT's with good result yet? Getting ready to order and cant make up my mind between VLD and BT versions...Thanks....
Anyone tried the new Berger 210 BT's with good result yet? Getting ready to order and cant make up my mind between VLD and BT versions...Thanks....

I tested the new BT bullets and they tested very well, I would reccomend trying both, they are great bullets. Good luck, Ron Tilley
I tested the 210 BT side by side against the 210 VLD from a 30" Bartlein 30-06 at 500 and 600 yards. The elevation was the same for both bullets, leading me to believe that their BC is very close. Accuracy was a bit better with the BT. I'll do a test at 1000 on Thursday. Given my chamber's relatively short throat I had to seat the VLD a little deeper in the case than I prefer to, but it wasn't anything real bad (base of the shank right at the base of the neck). At this point, I'm waiting for the 210 BT to be a production item and I'll stock up.

German Salazar
Jim, we had to scrub the 1000 yesterday. Unfortunately, the wind was way too high, even 600 was a real sporting proposition. Phoenix in April is always windier than even our normal windy weather. We have our Mid-Range championship this weekend so my next chance to get on the 1000 yard line will be next Thursday, then Sunday the 27th.

German Salazar