Front row sitting, left to right: ?, Harold Broughton, Shorty Strickland
Second row sitting, left to right, Jim Hostetler, Bob Jourdain, Gene Beggs, Arnold Jewell, Jef Fowler, Dan Kinniman, George Kelbly, Ed Watson, ?, Tim Oltersdorf, Mike Ratigan, ?, ?, Tom Libby, Gary O'Cock?, Lou Murdica, ?, ?, Tony Boyer, Skip Otto, Lester Bruno.
Third row kneeling or sitting, left to right, ?,?,?, ?, Stan Buchtel, Charlie Delessandro, Fred Hasecuster, ?, Bud Mundy, Speedy Gonzales, ?, ?, ?
Fourth row standing, Larry Englebrecht, Terry Donaldson, Bill Brawand, ?, Pat Ferrell, Burton Ferrell, Red Cornelison, Manny Garcia, Carolyn Libby, Yvette Gonzales, Cherly Horner, Everett Horner, ?, Garland Holland, Jim Erickson, ?, Lowell Frei,Larry Baggett, Dennis Wagner, Mike Bryant, ?, Jerrell Mattingly, ?
Fifth row, ?, Otto Klittich, ?,?,Merlin Hubbard?, Don Creach, Jack Sutton, Michelle Sutton,?, Bill Hull, ?, Rex Reneau, Dan Dowling, quite a bit of space, Mickey Coleman, Don Gentner, Bart Sauter, Eunice Berger, ?, Dave Tooley?, ?, ?, ?, Larry Kuse, Ruth Kuse, ?, Jackie Schmidt, Joe Archer
Sixth row, Paul Holland?,
Seventh row, Bob White,
Eighth row, Dennis Tinkham,
If you recognize yourself or someone else, feel free to copy and paste adding your name. Be nice to get everyone named.
I can pick out people here and there farther back in the photo, but a lot more ? than names for me. If the photo was better, I might be able to pick out more.
Don Creach, Jack and Michelle Sutton are right behind Bill Brawand. Vicki Beard next to Michelle with Pat Byrne standing behind Vicki. Bill Hull behind the Ferrells. Rex Reneau next to Dan Dowling behind Red Cornelison. George Ulrich, Billy Stevens and Mickey Coleman behind Manny Garcia. Don Gentner behind Yvette Gonzales, Walt and Eunice Berger to the right and behind Don Gentler. P. J. Hart is in the upper right back of the photo with a blue shirt with two white stripes, sunglasses and maroon cap, Larry Baggett is standing between and behind Lowell Frei and Dennis Wagner. Larry and Ruth Kuse are standing behind Larry Baggett on each side of him. I'm pretty sure that's Jackie Schmidt standing behind me with the grey cap, right of him is Joe Archer. Darrell Whitman is standing behind Larry Kuse. Dave Blazzard is standing to the right in the photo of P. J. Two tall men in the very back, Tom Dickson and Chris Wramp who was the range officer for the match as well as range officer at Midland. Dennis Tinkham far upper left corner of photo with his signature hat. Ed Adams in yellow shirt and beard. Roy Damron to the left in front of Ed.