Bench Rotation

Makes no difference to me. As i get older it is easier not to rotate. I will not miss a match i can attend because of rotation. Of note i have noticed computer draws that seem to give the same benches to the same shooters - plus or minus a bench or two. I will not got to ranges that preassigns benchs or draws benches as the shooter arrives or registers. That give an unfair advantage to us that can show up early. You can set your flags on the bench you will shoot during comptetion yet the shooter arriving the night before the shoot cannot. Just my two cents from a average shooter. Jim casey
Of note i have noticed computer draws that seem to give the same benches to the same shooters - plus or minus a bench or two.
This past weekend Billy said he and Bart have drawn bench 10 at Rachel's Glen the last three shoots in a row (maybe more). Billy challenged me to check (assuming I wouldn't I'm sure).

Bull Hockey!

I just checked the records. April 2010 they drew bench 4, October 2010 they drew bench 11, April 2011 they drew bench 15. They are being Bart and Billy...spinning a line of BS (as usual)!

Bluff called!
Rotation is the fairest way to conduct a match. Not going to a match because of rotation is a petty excuse (spelled lazy).
I does not matter to me as I can make fun of any shooter or shooters from any bench or take to myself from any bench.
I suggest that for the typical bench, rotating it is much easier after breaking it loose with a jackhammer. Otherwise it would be too time consuming to do so.:p
sorry...but i think i agree with b and b....4/11/15 seem like a pretty narrow many benches ??
i'm of the opinion that not only rotation, but not the same benches in successive matches.......
the computer program used at one of the matches rotated on all 4 days...but the program favored those on relay one of day one...for the remaining three days...we already had that conversation.

This past weekend Billy said he and Bart have drawn bench 10 at Rachel's Glen the last three shoots in a row (maybe more). Billy challenged me to check (assuming I wouldn't I'm sure).

Bull Hockey!

I just checked the records. April 2010 they drew bench 4, October 2010 they drew bench 11, April 2011 they drew bench 15. They are being Bart and Billy...spinning a line of BS (as usual)!

Bluff called!
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Do a statistical analysis of the club you shoot at. This will tell you whether certain benches win more matches. I did this for River Bend and the results were nothing short of amazing. In a 3 year period benches 13 and 14 [ iirc ] had won nearly half of the matches while other benches from 9 to 15 had won several. Benches 1 through 6 had no more than one win each and some of those benches never had a win.

ETA: Check out the River Bend results below for confirmation of above stats.
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Steve lee: First i did not discuss bench assignments with billy or bart. Second, i was not speaking about this past weekend's shoot. Third: It makes me no difference as i shoot against myself not other shooters. Fourth, i have observed shooters getting the same benches or within one or two of the same - using computer draws, card draws, or random assignment. Fifth, " will rotating benches influnce my decision to attend a shoot?" was the topic and that will not prevent me from attending. Sixth, i will not attend shoots where benches are pre-assigned, or whre benches are drawn as shooters arrive or register. By early arrivals knowing their bench they can set flags ect and shoot on their bench for days before late arrivals - such as yourself this past weekend - gets to the shoot. Thus getting an unfair advantage. Have a nice day. Jim casey
Steve lee: First i did not discuss bench assignments with billy or bart. "bluff called" comment was aimed at Billy and Bart...not you. I didn't even think about how you might take that reply...just trying to be humorous. Sorry if I offended you.

mike in co...Rachel's Glen is shooting 15 benches. 4/11/15 and 10 for this past weekend sounds pretty random to me. Since I wrote the code that does the bench drawing I know for certain it is random. Billy has been rattling my chain for years (he's my gunsmith and a good friend) by claiming that Bughole is always assigning him the same bench at certain ranges. I just decided to check the records for Rachel's Glen and call his bluff.

Jim...again I usual when I try to be humorous I screw it up.

Billy and can sit at your assigned bench and rotate! (probably offend someone with that one as well)
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I wouldn't not go to a shoot because there wasn't a rotation........but then EVERY shoot I go to does have a rotation, some are 5 bench rotations (like the Supershoot) some are 2 bench rotations (like WBC).

Now is it the honey holes follow the shooters or do the shooters follow the honey holes.......Ian
sorry...but i think i agree with b and b....4/11/15 seem like a pretty narrow many benches ??
i'm of the opinion that not only rotation, but not the same benches in successive matches.......
the computer program used at one of the matches rotated on all 4 days...but the program favored those on relay one of day one...for the remaining three days...we already had that conversation.

We have 15 benches so it's interesting that you take their side without ever being at Rachel's Glen. Steve Lee may know how to rig the Bughole scoring program to read the competitor's name, recognize the shooter and randomly pick their bench for them but I surely can't and I am the one running the program at Rachel's Glen.
Now is it the honey holes follow the shooters or do the shooters follow the honey holes.......Ian

Whichever, I guess...All I know is that if I'm in the "supposed" honey hole, I can make it look like the worst bench on the line.:eek:--Mike Ezell
not pointed at the glen...and i did not know it was a 15 bench range...
so no issue there.
the 4 day event was flawed .....big time
We have 15 benches so it's interesting that you take their side without ever being at Rachel's Glen. Steve Lee may know how to rig the Bughole scoring program to read the competitor's name, recognize the shooter and randomly pick their bench for them but I surely can't and I am the one running the program at Rachel's Glen.
Buddy - You won't likely go wrong if you rotate benches when folks have to move flags anyway (yardage change). The problems arise when you rotate just to be rotating. It's hard to argue that rotating every target is not the fairest way to go and after each agg a close second but you risk losing folks that don't want to spend the weekend moving flags. You may not lose them the first go 'round but you will the next. I suppose I'm saying that more folks are willing to shoot from what they perceive a bad position than there are folks that are willing to set flags four times.

Just be sure that you define how and when rotation will occur before the first shot is fired and stick to it.

I quit worrying about the bench drawing when Peter Price won the 2 Gun at Roanoke from bench 20.
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I don't think I've ever been to a match where rotation after agg. was not considered a fair yet reasonable compromise by all.