Bench Rest Rules


New member
What are the odds that the long range bench rest clubs and organizations will ever put an * in the rules letting bipods be used?? I completely understand that they are not allowed because of the ruling that your rest can not be affixed to your rifle, but the general Idea is so that you can't get an advantage right??? The bipod IMHO should be allowed as it is a disadvantage so why not let someone use one if they want too.
My local club is going by the Williamsport rules. I just don't see a need to ban the bipod's as long as they are counted in with the weight since they are attached.
I asked and I can't. I understand what the name is but why limit people If they aren't getting any advantage out of it.
"The bipod IMHO should be allowed as it is a disadvantage so why not let someone use one if they want too. "

Why if you are going to compete would you want to handicap yourself?
because believe it or not I am just as competitive off a bipod as a rest just like it better. I know it should be a disadvantage so I never thought it would be dis allowed.
Just out of curiosity what club are you shooting long range at? I am on the other side of PGH from you.
What would come next? That's the reason.....

I don't understand your point?? to the best of my knowledge you could sit at the bench and shoot off hand, you could stack sand bags and shoot off them, you can use a 2 piece bag and rest combo.
So if it's a "lesser affective method" why stop it? I think it's dumb to make a rule because "what would come next".
I hope they let bipods shoot off the bench. I know I wouldnt object!

I think the worry is this:
say guy with bipod wins and it's something nice or expensive at this match, now the person in second will be overly tempted to object since it technically is in violation of the rules giving them the win. (that's not how I am but we all know people who would)

All I am saying is it that hard to for next year put an * in the rules saying 2 leg bipods are allowed
If I wanted to gain experience shooting under match conditions with a non conforming piece of equipment, I might approach the match director with the proposition that he let me shoot, but that my scores would not be entered into the results, and that I understood that I would have not eligibility for position or prize. If there was room for another shooter without undue delay of the proceedings, and given that an additional fee would help defray the cost of putting on the match, I would thing that he might consider the proposition, but I would be prepared for the idea being rejected, since that would be his perfect right. On the match directors side, he might want to consider that if the fellow with the non conforming equipment had a good time shooting, that he might get the needed equipment to be able to be an official participant.

Being the person that is charged with enforcing the rules is a headache, particularly if those that come under your jurisdiction are friends. This is one of the reason that ranges' safety rules are imperfectly enforced. No one wants to be the bad guy.
Dragman I don't think Ridgeway is one of the IBS?NBRSA?Williamsport group. I believe they do their own thing as far as rules. However I can speak from experience that once you make an exception to rules it tends to backfire on the shoot and cause confusion on the line. I ran a score br shoot for a long time and had people come up to me and want to shoot prone with a bipod, next month it was prone with a sling, then muzzleloaders which could not get the 5 shots in 7 min so they needed more time, pistols, etc... That is one of the reasons that clubs don't want to change things. I told all of the folks who wanted to have these changes in place that if that is how they wanted to shoot start a match, and I'll come help, but this is how this match runs.

Boyd It all comes down to as I am sure you know, some times you have to be the bad guy nice but still the bad guy.
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To be Clear Ridgway is a great bunch of people and they will 100% let them be shot. It just puts you in the unlimited class that is not eligible for the prices during the championships. So I bought another rest. Couldn't ask for a better group of people to run a match.

They use the Williamsport rules as there's for this match. I don't want special treatment just think they should look into changing it for next year. if anything it makes the removal of equipment from the bench even faster so it wouldn't have any affects on any other shooters.
THEY have no need nor desire to change the rules they use...they work as intended.
if YOU want a rule change, then YOU need to do the WORK to get it changed.

i'm not sure you can see that.

I see that just fine, I just don't really no how you get a rule changed besides asking??? Per talking to people in person I haven't talked to anyone that doesn't think you should be able to use them since it's to no advantage. so I don't know what WORK you are referring too? should I get a petition and see if everyone will sign it?? I just don't want to go pissing people off if it's got to go that far I will just shoot off the rest and call it a day. I was just asking the question here to a lot larger audience of shooters what they think so I know if it's even worth pursuing or not.
dragman,,,,I think the reason they are not allowed is they make the stock wider than 3" (except in NBRSA) ,,,then as someone said "what next" ,,,,your is prolly one of the lil thingys (Harris /etc) with retractable legs and springs,,,then next thing you know the springs are gone and skis or wheels or skids are on there and then it becmes one peice aluminum/titanium with braces and evolves on and on,,,,Roger
I shoot the Sinclair Tactical bipod.
I do understand what your getting at there and it's a very valid point. I guess it's gonna be one of those it just is what it is.
OK, I'm seeing the statement that "it's legal in NBRSA" but I can't find it in the rules. HOW DO I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE???

This comes from someone who has been disallowed things "not specifically listed" at matches.

At NBRSA matches I've been disallowed flying US flags from my gun (within the weight limit) and the guy next to me who shall remain unnamed but who is listed in the record books was made to take a liddle hanging monkey token off his rifle.

I was also disallowed from sliding a pingpong paddle under my rear rest....... definitely "not excluded from the rules!" (NBRSA Match)

Heck, I've got an adjustable weight system in my rifle so's I can hit right on the weight limit of the scale at the range and was once told "I might be illegal because loading a round in made the gun go over weight!" (NBRSA sanctioned match)

I've come to the conclusion that unless you're a familiar face at the match, or unless you conform to ever'body else's prescription, you'd best be careful....... in two cases I've brought home wood but was warned that "If you set a record it may not stand".......

I despise this lack of clarity

Someone please point out the bipod rule to me because I fully intend to shoot a registered match, from a bipod.

Because I can.

(Or Not??)

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