Bedding compound weight

Wayne Shaw

Active member
How much difference is there in the actual weight of different bedding compounds? I've most always used Marine Tex, and have used Steel Bed in the past. But what would you use if you needed to save as much weight as possible?
My knowledge on the topic may be limited, but I think it would be a poor choice to sacrifice the quality and performance of something as important as a bedding job for the sake of weight. It's just the first thing that came to mind.
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To keep it as light as possible, you might try Super Glue. I know, I know, Mr. Koch might disagree, but that stuff is strong. Just the other day I got two fingers stuck together and had to resort to some pretty drastic measures to get them apart!!!
not certain that the advice from a man who stuck his fingers together with glue should be taken toooooo seriously!!!!! LOL
Wayne, my best guess would be that at the amount of bedding you would use that there is not enough difference in the bulk density to worry about it.
Jerry, I agree there isn't much there, and it probably doesn't make any difference. I was just wondering if there was one particular type/brand that was lighter than others. I have never used Bisonite, or one of the Devcon products people talk about, so I was curious.