Bart Sauter Wins The Fifth African Benchrest Regionals

you are right! I never had the chance to meet Mario or his dad but the name was familiar. Mario did very well at the World Shoot in Australia last year and now that I see how young this gentleman is I am very impressed! Look out guys, the World Shoot is going to be tougher as more and more countries get into this sport.

We might have some time if they have to do their "National Service" Requirements.................A couple mos. anyway...........
I mean or want to qualify my comments. They shoot almost as good as "helo pilots".
If I got the story straight. Being a new guy and all.
ho raw go team !

Old school US Navy. We didn't have attack helos. Just targets.
When I worked on 688's. Surface vessels were politely called "tonnage with no survivors".
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What a great report.
Yes, South Africa is a very good place to shoot benchrest, mainly because of the atmosphere and camaraderie between the SA competitors.
The Aussies thoroughly enjoyed their time over there in 2009. The hospitality shown to us was outstanding.
Just a couple of points: in South Australia we are only allowed (by law) to have 3 kilos (about 6.6 pounds) of smokeless powder at any one time, BUT you can have 15 kilos of black powder...go figure!
..anything that comes into this country is taxed and excised and costs more than the USA, but nowhere near as bad as what they get charged in SA

I would love to get back there one day. The beer is good and the braai is just like an Aussie BarBQ!!

Brendan Atkinson
Great write up Bart. I am really pleased you guys enjoyed South Africa. I am sorry I could not make it but 2014 is proving to be a really busy year for me so shooting, 'braai's' and hunting have to take a back seat.

I still think that that range is the best looking range in the world. Raton is a solid second.

Kobus is a very fine man for encouraging us to come across and make this all happen.

Pity that they have such crappy red wine :eek::eek:

Kobus and His beautiful wife Naomi

Jonathan Young shooter and excellent bullet maker from Namibia.

Ivan our Range Officer! What a character!

Dieter Neumann of Team Namibia
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Wilbur thanks for the great website! I am happy that it been so well received!
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Good Job...

I have had computer problems for awhile, just got back. Nice job of not only shooting, but for a GREAT write-up.