Barrel Engraving

R Stiner

What do you benchrest shooter like to see for information on a barrel?

I just finished up this project for 2018 Hunter class.

Here's a picture of my standard engraving! {font is snell roundhand} or {cursive} writing.

Let's see some other engraving styles



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That looks very professional, although (in my opinion) the cursive font may be a bit out of place. I would probably attempt to coordinate my engraving font with the style used on the action? Unless your intention is to use that font as part of your identity as a machinist, then more power to you.

Which machine did you use to create your engraving? I know that it's really important to mark these things as they are created, because they my well live on after we are gone. I inherited a number of custom rifles recently and many were not engraved and none of them are standard. My gunsmith father in law neck turned everything, even the .17 Ackley Hornets. These guns were his personal collection and I'm very grateful to have them, but the idea of loading for them is somewhat daunting.
I used the PM-3 bellco engraver.

It would be nice to match the action manufacturer font style. It just in not economical each set of fonts are $150-$250.
there's over 20 rifle & action manufacturers that come mind right now.

The younger generation don't really recognize cursive anymore.
{However Benchrest Shooters are generally an older crowd}

That's why I'm asking for some fresh Ideas & styles or stay the same.....

I like to have cal, neck dia, freebore and date for chamber info but have gone ahead with reamer print info before. Such as PTG31481 or JGS1045, etc, on the bottom. If I have muliple barrels that are otherwise identical, I may put #1, #2 etc.

I sometimes use cursive on pretty guns and plain fonts on guns that are all business. Lol!

I don't think you can put too much info on the barrel but I can't say that I enjoy engraving them, so I sometimes get lazy and just go with name and cal. Often depends upon what it is. If it's a std 30-06, that and my name is all it'll likely have.

I like the reamer drawing # idea I never thought of that!

I also put additional info on bottom side of barrel out of sight like date, smithed by if requested, and
barrel ID Example { BAT S-#2} comes in handy sometimes for later reference.

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It's the diamond engraver cutter that Bellco sells For $35

I bought two and after I think 5 or 6 years I have not worn out the first one yet.

Nice engraving on your barrel

I sure like your style of engraving. Mine is pretty Plain Jane.
