You are saying valuable truths
I believe the OP is 100% correct in not accepting plastic or checks drawn on accounts at institutions dominated by a paranoid dislike of and prejudice against individuals or businesses associated with firearms. Such banks do as they wish to discriminate, no laws even considered. Accepting payment from an account from that bank means you will definitely have to deal with them and their discrimination. They may charge you for honoring the checks, or may hold them for ~~14 days, or anything else they can cook up.
Bank of America is one of the worst for refusing to cash a check of any sizeable amount until they have held it for days. Or, they may cash it if you open an account with them. I don't join with questionable people, so I paid the extortion.
The check was on a US Federal government account. And, by the way I received no receipt for the extortion amount. I didn't know what they might pull next, so decided to cash it and pay their "fee".
Was getting vitamins every month, paying autopay(yes, very stupid back then) and the company ended charges per my request. Four months later they quietly started drawing on my account again. My Credit Union put the funds back in my account and charged back to dishonest company. Curious, I asked customer service helping me how they were able to get flaky companies to agree on restitution. He said they inform crooks no transaction involving that company will any longer be honored by the credit union unless they agree. This CU is doing well and growing every day. No one I have heard has left because of this policy. Once again I believe the OP has the right approach. We may not be able to change Obama or the crooked banks persecution of 2A believers --- but we can stick together. If a person has BofA, etc, plastic and they say the are one of us, they should have no trouble going to an ATM and paying cash to the OP. If that is really a problem for them, maybe they want convenience above freedom.
None of this is new it has been going on for some time now, it also extends into the insurance companies.
Keep a very close eye on credit processing co. and the institution that is receiving the funds, magical things happen not in your favor, above and beyond the international hacking past time. The equipment as well as the people are not infallible much as they would like to have you believe otherwise.
I believe the OP is 100% correct in not accepting plastic or checks drawn on accounts at institutions dominated by a paranoid dislike of and prejudice against individuals or businesses associated with firearms. Such banks do as they wish to discriminate, no laws even considered. Accepting payment from an account from that bank means you will definitely have to deal with them and their discrimination. They may charge you for honoring the checks, or may hold them for ~~14 days, or anything else they can cook up.
Bank of America is one of the worst for refusing to cash a check of any sizeable amount until they have held it for days. Or, they may cash it if you open an account with them. I don't join with questionable people, so I paid the extortion.
The check was on a US Federal government account. And, by the way I received no receipt for the extortion amount. I didn't know what they might pull next, so decided to cash it and pay their "fee".
Was getting vitamins every month, paying autopay(yes, very stupid back then) and the company ended charges per my request. Four months later they quietly started drawing on my account again. My Credit Union put the funds back in my account and charged back to dishonest company. Curious, I asked customer service helping me how they were able to get flaky companies to agree on restitution. He said they inform crooks no transaction involving that company will any longer be honored by the credit union unless they agree. This CU is doing well and growing every day. No one I have heard has left because of this policy. Once again I believe the OP has the right approach. We may not be able to change Obama or the crooked banks persecution of 2A believers --- but we can stick together. If a person has BofA, etc, plastic and they say the are one of us, they should have no trouble going to an ATM and paying cash to the OP. If that is really a problem for them, maybe they want convenience above freedom.