Bank of America

After being flamed on Facebook by many unhappy customers heres their retort: We want to let you know that we hear your comments and questions regarding one of our customers. While we cannot discuss the details of any individual client we work with, we can assure you the allegations being made here are completely false. Bank of America does not have a policy that prohibits us from banking clients in this industry. In fact, we have numerous, longstanding customers in the industry.

We are also extremely proud of our support of the US military and reject any assertion to the contrary. We count as clients many companies that provide for our nation's defense. We employ thousands of veterans, Guardsmen, and Reservists, and plan to increase our hiring this year.
their retort: We want to let you know that we hear your comments and questions regarding one of our customers. While we cannot discuss the details of any individual client we work with, we can assure you the allegations being made here are completely false.

Should we expect anything different as a response fron BofA, other than the white bread politically correct one quoted above ?

Some questions here for discussion...Let's say an actor/personality spoke out against guns. Would Y'all be willing to boycot all his movies?
This can be a very divisive thing, the whole question of "What's the right way to react?"

Let me give you an example that doesn't involve money and is, therefore, simpler in some ways. Some years ago, a man was found guilty of child molestation. In fact, it was established that he had molested many, many boys over the decades. He went to prison and he'll be there for the rest of his life.

However, the man was also a highly respected authority in the field of numismatics. A book or two of his were considered absolute "bibles" among coin collectors. For some time after his sexual preferences became known, there was a huge argument in that community. Was it still OK to sell his books? If you owned one, was it OK to use it? Should all of his books be burned?

Was it right to extend the shunning he deserved (and legally got) to include *everything* that had to do with him?

Eventually, people got over it. His reference books were the best on their respective subjects (well, at least the one he was best known for) and people just sort of continued to use them without thinking about the guy who wrote it. They reached the conclusion that even if a person is basically evil that doesn't mean you have to throw away the good things they've done.

So if your local BoA branch has good people, if they're nice when you walk in, if you get a decent interest rate on the mortgage from them, etc., etc., does one evil thing the company has done mean they should be entirely shunned?

I don't know the answer. Personally, I know I won't seek to do business with them and will happily tell people why. But I also know that if I only listened to music from strong supporters of gun rights or only watched movies made by people who respect the 2nd Amendment, I'd eventually get pretty tired of listening to nothing but Ted Nugent and staring at a blank TV screen.
This can be a very divisive thing, the whole question of "What's the right way to react?"

But I also know that if I only listened to music from strong supporters of gun rights or only watched movies made by people who respect the 2nd Amendment, I'd eventually get pretty tired of listening to nothing but Ted Nugent and staring at a blank TV screen.

Ben, do you even have a clue of why this situation exists?

I doubt if you do!!
"So if your local BoA branch has good people, if they're nice when you walk in, if you get a decent interest rate on the mortgage from them, etc., etc., does one evil thing the company has done mean they should be entirely shunned?"

Quote...This can be a very divisive thing, the whole question of "What's the right way to react?"

Let me give you an example that doesn't involve money and is, therefore, simpler in some ways. Some years ago, a man was found guilty of child molestation. In fact, it was established that he had molested many, many boys over the decades. He went to prison and he'll be there for the rest of his life....Quote

There is a big difference because the molester went to prison. If I follow what you say, nothing happens to BofA. I think we should all stop using BofA, hurt their business & that would be their punishment. Send a message to others of the same Ilk. Many groups use boycotts to punish wrong doers.
If an actor/personality spoke out against guns....
Yes I would boycott their movies or products.
No I would not boycott the cable company unless they took actions to make themselves known as anti-gun.
I would not boycott the stores unless they also voiced an anti-gun agenda.
Hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) have died so that people can have the freedom to express their opinion.
I do not have to like their opinion, I dont have to agree with their opnion.
When they take actions to FORCE their OPINIONS on me I take what action I can reasonably and legally ......
My bet is one regional marketing manager got his walking papers and was told what a "Dumbaxx" he was. It will be a long time befor they live this down or recover, regardless of what they post on facebook.
Some questions here for discussion...Let's say an actor/personality spoke out against guns. Would Y'all be willing to boycot all his movies? How about those that advertise/sponsor his TV show? How about the cable company that airs the channel? And finally...How about the stores that sell the sponsor's product? How about if there were a million or more others doing the same thing at the same time to make the sacrifice more palatable?

When Y'all get ready to make it a business decision for those that take the other side just let me know - I'm there already but would be somewhat a "crackpot" to go it alone.

Yes to all, I don't watch Jane Fonda, Sean Pean, Danny DeVitto, Especially Danny Glover movies and many more of the lefty actors I don't watch, I don't shop at Target, Wallmart and many other stores, I don't by Levie's, Proctor& Gamble products, Hienz products and many other products all of which either does not back America, my political, or sexual oriented beliefs, I watch a lot of John Wayne, and Tom Selleck movies and not on Turner network either! As far a t.v programs I watch Gunsmoke, Rawhide, and Wagon Train and it is what I made my kids watch, I wouldn't let them watch the Simpsons and Bevis& Butthead, MTV or other anti-American shows like them, they didn't like it at the time but they thank me now for it as they have there own kids now. God doesn't like a hypocrite and neither do I so I practice what I preach!
Ben, do you even have a clue of why this situation exists?

I doubt if you do!!

No, I don't. Neither does anyone else in a specific sense depending, of course, on your particular definition of "clue".

I'm trying to read as much about this as I can and I'm not seeing anything from the pro-gun side that establishes this as an *official, company-wide* policy. I do see BoA's denial.

This may have been politics, yes, but it may have also been politics at a very, very low level. Maybe, as BountyHunter has pointed out, this might be the politics of a particular regional marketing manager.

BoA is going to feel pain over this for a long time. In some ways, I'm going to contribute to that pain. They may totally deserve every bit of it. This sort of thing might actually be their overall, official policy. (I'm even willing to make allowances for the conspiracy theorists who'd like to tie the availability of bailout money and other perks to putting into practice certain political advocacies, i.e. that BoA's getting their strings pulled from up on high.)

But unless someone initiates legal action and takes depositions from everyone and their dog and unless those depositions reach the public record, none of us is going to truly know what happened and why. And maybe not even then.
"So if your local BoA branch has good people, if they're nice when you walk in, if you get a decent interest rate on the mortgage from them, etc., etc., does one evil thing the company has done mean they should be entirely shunned?"


Generally, I believe that corporations should be given less slack than individual humans, so I don't disagree with your answer.

I'm just a little surprised by the immediacy of the community response. Generally, you don't break out the pitchforks and light the torches before something that approaches a standard of actual evidence is, well, in evidence.

So all I ask is that someone help cure my obvious ignorance. Seriously, y'all obviously know more about this than I do. Links to BoA's history of anti-gun actions would be much appreciated and would go a long way toward helping me understand the strength and speed of the reaction by the firearms community.

PS - Folks, don't misread me, please. I've pleaded with people to understand the modern relevance of the 2nd Amendment since I was 17 and speaking to John Birch Society meetings. I've written thousands of impassioned words in the defense of liberty going back to, well, Compuserve and before that usenet and before that letters to the editors of newspapers (which was what got me the JBS invitations). Before I retired, I used to post targets I shot over the weekend on the outside of my cubicle at work, just to spark conversations and, when I was very lucky, get a newbie to come with me to shoot. I don't hesitate to ask for the manager and explain that I'm no longer doing business in their establishment because they posted signage prohibiting the concealed carry of firearms. I believe in the cause. But I also believe in seeing reasonably reliable evidence from multiple sources before I lash out.
No, I don't. ....... And maybe not even then.
As small as the benchrest community and probably shooting and gun owning forums in general, I hardly think we will put BoA into another bailout position. Matter of fact most folks don't really give a red-rosey popcicle anyway.

Besides BoA has already got their TRILLION from Us The People...

(Actually 1.34 TRILLION of pooe peeplles money just for BoA...But then again who is counting??)
(Actually 1.34 TRILLION of pooe peeplles money just for BoA...But then again who is counting??)

It's nice to find something we agree about. When the bailouts started and the banks started spinning their whole "respect for contract law" spiel to justify why people must be forced to continue paying their mortgages, I couldn't get over it. If you're an artificial construct, like a corporation, and you get into that much trouble, then "respect for the law" would require that you bloody well go out of business, not get a bailout. We actually have a pretty good set of procedures here in the U.S. for putting banks out of business. I'm still angry that it wasn't used. In that case, regulators had proof and authority but the political will to do the right thing did not exist.

My only aim in my last few posts is to ensure that anger toward BoA over this situation is actually the right thing and not just a misunderstanding that the internet crowd has amplified far beyond its true import.
just what fish do you have , that is bigger than your constitution ???
you lost me there.....
if you bank with them you support them and thier cause finacially........
its just that simple...for or against the entire constitiution, not just part of it....
mike in co
well, i won't get personal here. I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

if you don't like it, it's your problem, not mine.
Ben - I called McMillan's today and verified that the words written were indeed Kelly McMillan's words. That's good enough for me.
Wilbur - Sending you a pm shortly to ask about the appropriateness of the the post I'd like to make in response.

Added later - I see you don't receive PMs. That's understandable given your function. I've sent my request to you via your email address, instead.
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Is that a response directly from a BofA Official?
If so do you know what level the official is?
So, what happens when people are too lazy to care. or are "too busy" to care? I'm sure many of you have all heard the following;

" First they came for the Communist but I didn't speak out because I was not a Communist..
" Then they came for the trade unionists but I didn't speak out because I was not a trade unionist..
"Then they came for the Jews but I didn't speak out because I was not a Jew..
'Then they came for me but there was no one left to speak out for me....

-This is poem was generally credited to a German pastor, Martin Niemollier.

So what did this German pastor do? He went to Austria and joined the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Augsberg and turned against the Hitler Germans
whom he had formerly supported.
Then in 1948 the Communists came to Austria and took pastor Niemollier churches, they took his church schools, and the churches social services.

This just goes to prove you gotta' do something or things can get worse!!
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Yes to all, I don't watch Jane Fonda, Sean Pean, Danny DeVitto, Especially Danny Glover movies and many more of the lefty actors I don't watch, I don't shop at Target, Wallmart and many other stores, I don't by Levie's, Proctor& Gamble products, Hienz products and many other products all of which either does not back America, my political, or sexual oriented beliefs, I watch a lot of John Wayne, and Tom Selleck movies and not on Turner network either! As far a t.v programs I watch Gunsmoke, Rawhide, and Wagon Train and it is what I made my kids watch, I wouldn't let them watch the Simpsons and Bevis& Butthead, MTV or other anti-American shows like them, they didn't like it at the time but they thank me now for it as they have there own kids now. God doesn't like a hypocrite and neither do I so I practice what I preach!

You left out my favorite, George cLooney. I refuse to rent, buy, or watch anything that he is in or has any connection with since he made the statement about Charleston Heston when he was diagnosed with alzheimers. I also treat your picks the same.