Back to Lot Testing

It will be interesting to see how it translates from a vise to a rest. I'm hoping what shoots well in the tunnel is the most consistent from that rifle and therefore will shoot well off the bags. We'll see soon enough! We'll be testing both Center X and Midas Plus. Hey, it's an adventure!

Dennis - Please post us on your experience at the testing facility. It will be my first 1st hand report. I'm particularly curious as to how many lots need to be tested to find a keeper. I'd sure like to get away with Center X ($) if I could get away with it.
I'll take notes, and if the weather co-operates when we get back in the first part of Dec. I'll start some outdoor testing and post my opinions ( I'd say findings but seems a little to generous for my abilities come to a positive determination!).

I'll take notes, and if the weather co-operates when we get back in the first part of Dec. I'll start some outdoor testing and post my opinions ( I'd say findings but seems a little to generous for my abilities come to a positive determination!).

Dennis ,

Just wondering if you had a report for us yet. - Clint
I hope they have taken the "Conditions" in the tunnels into consideration. I visited Gene Beggs' tunnel a few years ago and he mentioned that it took him some time to figure out how to regulate and keep conditions in his tunnel constant.
I was at the range yesterday with both 10.5 guns. The ULA shot about the same off the bags as it did on the sled, the Falcon shoots better off the bags than it did on the sled, less vertical. The ULA had a very short chamber and shot good groups for about 20 to 25 shots then started to throw fliers. Using the bore scope I could see carbon deposits building up in the leade. I was prepared for this as I'd seen it before with short chambers and brought the reamer with me. I lengthened the chamber aprox .035 so as to engrave only up to the 2nd cannelure and the fouling ceased to be a problem. I got in one actual test target before dark with the Falcon and that was a 250 16X on an RBA target. Conditions were really good with only 3 to 4 mph winds on my anemometer as it got dark, 45 degrees and overcast.
