

Graham Wind Flags
I have been working on a prepetual trophy and got to wondering what all awards other locations gave out.
If you could post some pictures I think it would be slick to see them.

The only one I've done...short the nameplates.


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One thing I'll mention....the cheap brass nameplates can be bought at a lot of places but if you want the thicker, more substantial nameplates you have to get them made. I'm not certain of that so if you find a place that sells them please let me know.
Be warned. Not to discourage you in any way, but Benchrest Shooters can be a fickle bunch.

Back in the late 1990's, Glenn Newick and a few other shooters came up with the idea of the 200/300 yard Varmint Nationals. They crossed all of the "T's" and dotted all of the "i's" with the NBRSA, and got it approved. The very first one was to be held at the American Shooting Center on the far West Side of Houston. We even, at our expense and labor, put in additional benches at the 300 yard line.

Glenn asked me to build a nice "traveling trophy" for the match to be awarded to the overall Champion. We dedicated it to a very well known and respected Gulf Coast Region Shooter. The trophy was really nice.

Where is it now? I have no idea. Someone through the years didn't care enough to keep up with it. It's probably laying in some obscure corner under a pile of trash.
Life of a Traviling Trophy

We tried that back in the 70's, and it lasted about ten years. We've done others that lasted even less.
I understand sometimes they dont come back.
Let me reword my request

Would be cool to see what awards are givin at other matches for each place.

We have a trophy that was started in 1944 and is still being handed off every year. We also have several others that have been passed around for many years. These trophies are very well traveled and have come back. I don't think you'll have a problem losing the trophy.

I was lucky enough to have my name added to this one last year. There is quite a list of names on it. I feel pretty lucky to be on it.

Joe Hynes


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We have several of the traveling trophies in the Gulf Coast Region mainly in the Unlimited class for Texas State 100, 200, Grand, small group at 100 and small group at 200. These particular trophies date back into the mid 1950's. Brass name plates have been added to them over the years and they have filled up to where there is just about no place to add any plates. Unfortunately, what do you do with them after they are full. There are no club houses in the GC region that are exclusively for benchrest shooters. So, it makes it very difficult to have somewhere to store them. We thought we had lost one of these last year, but it showed back up when whoever had it brought it back to that years UL match. The best thing with a traveling trophy IMO would be to have a place that it's kept. The shooter who wins it removes a name plate and has his name and other information engraved on the plate and then either mails the plate back or brings the plate back the next year and puts it back on the traveler. My wife made the statement once that she was tired of me going to these matches and not bringing anything home. I broke her of that. I brought one of those travelers home from Seymour and we had it in the house for a year until I took it back. The next time I won one, I had Scott take a photo of me with it and sent her the photo. She told me in no uncertain terms not to bring it home.
Small but personal

At my club, we only have 9-10 folks shoot a month, and it's only $10 to shoot. So there is not a lot of money in the budget.
What I have done the last 2 years was to have some small patches made. They are about $6 - $7 each depending on the design.

I got this off ebay and buy 1 year at a time.

St. Louis

The St. Louis Club is fortunate to have a Club House where Scott keeps the trophies either on the wall or in a trophy case. Works Great!