Australian Friends


it's a terrible fire there, here in Belgium it's been raining for days. I wished I could send the rain 'down Under'
I hope the fires will be soon under controle,
I'm also firefighter, and I wish everyone over there the best, strength and courage.
Thanks from Australia

We thank you for your prays and kind thoughts. Today there was a little relief with some rain and cooler temperatures in the southern parts of Australia but hot weather is to return and there are still fires burning. Unfortunately we have the other extreme happening in the northern parts of Australia with extreme flooding so please include them in your thoughts as well. Our prays go out to the fire victims, as of today there have been 181 deaths in the fires so please say some prays for the loved ones left behind as well as for the souls of the departed.

Keith Smith:(:(
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heard a Belgian who lives in Australia on the radio here; He praised the Australian solidarity: in these times of economic crisis that's worth to mention!
Companys are donating money etc.
take care of yourself and your fellowman over there