Aussies and USA

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
The Sydney Opera House lit up tonight to commemorate the 70th anniversary of our strong ANZUS alliance with the United States.

As we commemorate our enduring partnership over the last 70 years, we look to the future with optimism and confidence for what we can achieve, together, in the decades to come.


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The Sydney Opera House lit up tonight to commemorate the 70th anniversary of our strong ANZUS alliance with the United States.

As we commemorate our enduring partnership over the last 70 years, we look to the future with optimism and confidence for what we can achieve, together, in the decades to come.

we apologize fir the current state of confusion, and hope the USA you have come to know and trust will return....soon.
They are a great group....of beer drinkers

I have shot in Australia in a world match and shot alongside of Australians in matches in the USA. I dearly love this group of people. They are salt of the earth and excellent riflemen; just don't let them get into your beer stash as it will soon be gone. Tim

Condolences and fondest regards to you all on the 20th anniversary of the terrible events of 11th September 2001.

We feel for you all and shall never forget your pain.

* doggie *
Condolences and fondest regards to you all on the 20th anniversary of the terrible events of 11th September 2001.

We feel for you all and shall never forget your pain.

* doggie *

Had the pleasure of meeting your navy and some New Zealand personal in the Philippines ( Subic Bay ) around 1960-61. I shared a few beers with some really good company

I had the same pleasure

around that same time with the Canadian navy. They were on the HMSCS Bonaventure. They called our beer "pony piss" All that aside, I am thankful for our allies and I hope it continues to be so