ASRPA Smallbore ARA Benchrest Match at Ben Avery


New member
The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA) Smallbore Division will be holding their monthly rimfire benchrest match on May 22nd at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix using the ARA rules and format. All matches will be held on the Benchrest Range. Set up will begin at 11:00 am and the match will begin at 12:00 noon. This will be a four target outdoor unlimited match.

The match fees will be $25 for ASRPA members and $30 for non-members. Please consider joining the ASRPA, it is a great organization that heavily promotes and sponsors shooting events in Arizona.

Hope to see you all there,

Not sure what the gusts were that took out two of the 4' x 4' target holders, blew down the flags or carried a target holder cardboard over the 200 yard berm at the back of the range. Fortunately the shooter's target that was attached to that cardboard was dropped just shy of the 150 yard mark and recovered. They were interesting and challenging conditions but a good time was had by all. :) Come and join us next month when we start at 7 am. Conditions are often superb at that hour and fun to shoot.


Those southern breezes, there's never a wind at BA, do make it hard for the bullet to catch up with the target board.

When are you going to start a Factory class? I'll come!


I offered to run factory class if any of the participants would police the rules. Lots of requests but no volunteers.

Unlimited requires no policing, shoot whatever you want. We have a variety of contraptions from a rail gun to bi-pods. It is a fun shoot and great guys.

Everyone is welcome.

make it a CLUB event, unreported. open to any 22 rf that is not UNLIMITED. no current production requirement. let me shoot my 52 c !( for the record i went 800 plus to just under not a threat to the unlimited guys)

I offered to run factory class if any of the participants would police the rules. Lots of requests but no volunteers.

Unlimited requires no policing, shoot whatever you want. We have a variety of contraptions from a rail gun to bi-pods. It is a fun shoot and great guys.

Everyone is welcome.

make it a CLUB event, unreported. open to any 22 rf that is not UNLIMITED. no current production requirement. let me shoot my 52 c !( for the record i went 800 plus to just under not a threat to the unlimited guys)

Ah, different thread, same crying......"make the shoot just so I can shoot the rifle I want".
rsmithsr.....are you an only child? If not, you sure act like one!


edit: Steve, the range and sanctioning body you have chosen is just fine. I'll see you in October for the State Match.
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