As of today Canada is being led by a DICK TAY TORE....New firearms BAN

Of moving to the US. Honestly at times I feel I am more American inside than Canadian.

There are things that Americans show and do that we as Canadians take for granted sometimes. To me that is loyalty to there country. I will tell you a story.

2 years ago my GF and myself made the trip to Sturgis for the 1st time on our bikes. Amber has a gorgeous 2004 Low Rider and I ride the Yamaha Stryker. We were there for the days leading into the actual Sturgis week. Being our 1st time we were advised basically everything is there to see allready unless you want to attend the events at the main stage and games.

Anyways, we woke up I believe it was the Friday before the start. There were more tenters around us. Everyone was milling around there sites doing there morning routines. One fellow at one of the sites a few down was a bit louder and jovial. He spoke loudly and mentioned that if anyone wanted a coffee to come on over. He had his small Keurig with him and the fixins if needed. Not sure how he packed all his gear onto his Harley. Needless to say the 2 large American flags hanging off of the back of his bike.

A short time later he spoke up louder and said if he could have a moment and pledge allegiance to his country and flag. He proceeded to play the US National anthem, followed by the last post. Honestly, I was touched and it brought a tear to my eye. When it was all over he apologized to everyone in the area. I responded by saying no need to. I enjoyed every minute of it. Then he slowly made his way over to us and told us a bit about him and his story. About Vietnam and his buddies that never made it back and how he travels to schools and gives talks. Amber then mentioned that she had family that was in WW 2, you know as Archie Bunker would say....." the big one". He then said I have something for you. He walked his site and came back with a pin for her. Danged if I can remember what the pin said. Regardless it was 20 minutes that I will remember.

This is one example but I see it all of the time. Yes everyone may not be as patriotic but I see more than not.

In the US there are things I believe in that we do not have here as well as those that we may have and you not.

Just a little side story.

Good stuff Calvin. Patriotism is recognized between countries.

So is this Covid BS.

It still goes back to what I stated earlier.

Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Regardless of the whims of the current crop of politicians, any laws passed must pass the muster of Constitutionality. And, unlike many other Countries that have “Constitutions”, the US Constitution was made deliberately difficult to change, or amend. It is not subject to the petty whims of the moment, or the Demagogue.

Many in the US would love to see our Constitution done away with, and the Country adopt a Parliamentary form of Government.

But I go by the old saying that says......”the United States has the worst Government ever conceived, except for all of the rest”.

Had an engineer ride the boat with us. Spoke 6 languages, been to almost every country, dual citizenship Netherlands and here plus had common sense. Just the most interesting person to talk to. His saying was US had the best constitution in the world and one of the worst governments.
Had an engineer ride the boat with us. Spoke 6 languages, been to almost every country, dual citizenship Netherlands and here plus had common sense. Just the most interesting person to talk to. His saying was US had the best constitution in the world and one of the worst governments.

I have to take issue with that gentleman. I think that he was speaking just to make a point. Some engineers are like that. Sure, we have our share of problems with our government but, all in all, it works fairly well. Consider any nation south of our southern border. For that mater, consider any other country in the world. I will take my country with all its' flaws.

Texan by birth
American by the grace of God

Concho Bill
Canada and gun laws started going downhill quite some time ago when the ruling party was allowed to get their foot in the door and Mssr. Trudeau hasn’t helped you one little bit but he does dress well.
he does dress well...

Canada and gun laws started going downhill quite some time ago when the ruling party was allowed to get their foot in the door and Mssr. Trudeau hasn’t helped you one little bit but he does dress well.

for a former snow board instructor!
When I was in school in the 70's the name for people like him was "light in the loafers" or "twinkle toes"........... our school board fired the best math teacher ever born because he an' the little wifey was seducing good farm folks around the area into grazing in strange pastures and we ended up replacing him with a guy we called Twinkle Toes (and worse) but it got so bad the other TEACHERS picked it up and got caught.

Cost more money for him to quit than he ever cost for the almost-year that he worked!

Kinda' like hiring a Turdeaux
Amazing how few voices it actually takes to destroy the freedoms of an entire country who's majority does not agree with such a policy. Yet these same folks who continue to take these freedoms away a bit by bit keep getting elected or re-elected as if they don't understand that even more will continue to be taken away.
Firearms Ban

Political Posturing. is what its called here in the states. Where is the empirical evidence that gun bans reduce violence? This knee jerk decision, by the PM creates a lot of work for the people responsible for collecting all the banned guns that’s in circulation.


The success of this ban hinges on compliance and the ability to enforce it. If my memory serves me a registration program was a total bust.