As a Veteran, I am Appalled

Islamic Thugocraxy?

Look, While I am as far from beinga Islamic as possible,(I am an Irish catholic) I also don't believe in racial profiling. Your statement was just blatantly racist. Honestly I am embarrassed by your behavior of blaming them for our military ing up.

What would we do if two Iranian gun boats were caught in our waters? Do you really believe the crews and their boats would be released within 24 hours?

Politicians are obviously involved, the only question is how high up does their involvement go?

BTW - thugocracy - is obviously a redneck made up word word that obviously means "I am a racist, and I don't think I should take any blame if I up)

What do you call a Country ruled by a bunch of religious Thugs? That is not racial profiling. I am calling the Islamic Mulla's who Control Iran exactly what they are.

They consider a women little more than property. They imprison and even execute Gays, Transexuals, and Lesbians. They imprison anyone who does not believe in their arcane theology that says those who do not follow the teachings of their meglamaniac, genocidal "Prophet" should be either forced to convert or put to the sword.

The version of Islam that is practiced by the Leaders in Iran are in direct contradiction to our Democratic Republic and the freedoms guaranteed to us in our Bill of Rights.

Maybe "Thug" is too nice a term for these reprehensible excuses for Human Beings. Religious Fascist Thugs more aptly describes them.

By the way. Don't ever call me a racist. I take that very personal. This is not an anonymous Forum like many others on the Internet. Most contributors on this site know each other. We try to carry on a civil conversation with differing points of view without resorting to personal attacks.
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Islamic Thugocraxy?

Look, While I am as far from beinga Islamic as possible,(I am an Irish catholic) I also don't believe in racial profiling. Your statement was just blatantly racist. Honestly I am embarrassed by your behavior of blaming them for our military ing up.

What would we do if two Iranian gun boats were caught in our waters? Do you really believe the crews and their boats would be released within 24 hours?

Politicians are obviously involved, the only question is how high up does their involvement go?

BTW - thugocracy - is obviously a redneck made up word word that obviously means "I am a racist, and I don't think I should take any blame if I up)

Before you go calling someone a racist, perhaps you better learn the difference between race, religion, government, and ideology.

It's important to understand that the people in question are, contrary to popular belief, not Arabs. Iranians are completely different (Indo-European) and are of the Aryan race. Interestingly, so was Hitler. Their race is Aryan while Islam is their religion............ big difference.

While there is an Arab race, it's confined to the Arabian peninsula although the language is shared by people of other races throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Farsi is the language of Iran, not Arabic and although Farsi has borrowed many Arabic words, Farsi is as different from Arabic as Japanese is from English.

Most Arabs, most Iranians, and most populations which speak Arabic are Muslims, which is a religion rather than a race. But Islam is also an ideology, a way of life, and in some instances it's actually a form of government. Iranians and Arabs differ in their religion too; most Iranians are Shiites while most Arabs are of the Sunni sect. It is said that the only thing an Shiite hates worse than a Christian is a Sunni. The two branches are quite unlike the difference between a Presbyterian and a Methodist.

I would say "Islamic Thugocraxy" is not a bad way to describe the current Iranian government. I lived in Iran for several years and I speak Farsi, so I have some experience in this area.

Implying that someone is not only a red-neck but also a racist for using the term demonstrates your lack of understanding. Plus, it seems to me to be mean spirited, wouldn't you say? Playing the race card is a favorite trick of the left wing liberals and nearly always is associated with the inability offer up a valid argument or counter argument.

"Islamic Thugocraxy" it has nothing to do with race and I wonder if you might consider giving this forum an apology for using that uncalled-for and vicious form of rebuttal to what is a passionate but (until your post) a civilized discussion.
Islamic Thugocraxy?

BTW - thugocracy - is obviously a redneck made up word word that obviously means "I am a racist, and I don't think I should take any blame if I up)

Oh Jimmmy,

You are so mistaken. When you attack Jackie you attack me. "Redneck and racist"! How original! While I have never met the man, I feel I know him through over ten years of posts on this forum. Jackie is a good man who has many friends. He has helped many. You have misjudged the man. If you stay here long enough, you will understand.

Concho Bill
Islamic Thugocraxy?

Look, While I am as far from beinga Islamic as possible,(I am an Irish catholic) I also don't believe in racial profiling. Your statement was just blatantly racist. Honestly I am embarrassed by your behavior of blaming them for our military ing up.

What would we do if two Iranian gun boats were caught in our waters? Do you really believe the crews and their boats would be released within 24 hours?

Politicians are obviously involved, the only question is how high up does their involvement go?

BTW - thugocracy - is obviously a redneck made up word word that obviously means "I am a racist, and I don't think I should take any blame if I up)

Wilbur.......... this guy needs to go.................... name calling with no real name listed.....
bill larson
Jackie, Im in your corner, buddy. Who the hell is jimmyo? Hes got 11 posts. He aint been here very long not 10 years or more like a lot of us. I don't talk to you to often but you've helped me in the past. Doug
Playing the race card is a favorite trick of the left wing liberals and nearly always is associated with the inability offer up a valid argument or counter argument.

Uhm, no.

"Playing the race card" is always denigrated because most of the time, the racist doesn't believe he's actually a racist, or that his language or action is racist. That's why we still have an NFL team named the Washington Redskins. That's why "mixed" marriages, in spite of the fact that all marriages are mixed, now, were illegal in some states as late as 1969.

Accusations of racism may make you uncomfortable, and they may be made inaccurately sometimes, but that doesn't serve as a defense against other, genuine charges of racism.

Finally, it's not a "favorite trick" of the left, in the case of genuine charges, it's a last ditch defense of people of color. It's a last ditch defense when it should be the first thing out to the box precisely because of attitudes like yours, attempts to dismiss genuine charges by blaming the victim or assigning other motives.

"She deserved to be raped, she was asking for it."
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Hey Glenn- does jackie strike you as a racist? Me neither. Ive known him for many years. This is why trump is doing so good these days people are sick of this type stuff.
Time to put Jammer six on the ignore list. I haven't seen anything in his 44 posts since he joined 3 months ago that does anything but try to stir up trouble. I remember when I was in the Air Force there was a guy who if you asked anyone for a one word description of the guy,would invariably respond OBNOXIOUS. Jammer six appears to be one of those guys.
Hey Glenn- does jackie strike you as a racist? Me neither. Ive known him for many years.

I don't see anything in Jackie's post that is actually racist, or even that offensive.

False accusations of racism dilute the gravity of genuine instances.
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Uhm, no.

"Playing the race card" is always denigrated because most of the time, the racist doesn't believe he's actually a racist, or that his language or action is racist. That's why we still have an NFL team named the Washington Redskins. That's why "mixed" marriages, in spite of the fact that all marriages are mixed, now, were illegal in some states as late as 1969.

Accusations of racism may make you uncomfortable, and they may be made inaccurately sometimes, but that doesn't serve as a defense against other, genuine charges of racism.

Finally, it's not a "favorite trick" of the left, in the case of genuine charges, it's a last ditch defense of people of color. It's a last ditch defense when it should be the first thing out to the box precisely because of attitudes like yours, attempts to dismiss genuine charges by blaming the victim or assigning other motives.

"She deserved to be raped, she was asking for it."

Wow......... I'll bet you're a lot of fun at parties.
Lessons on racism here are waisted

There are no racist here. We are all accuracy shooters. We take shooters as they come and don't ask about color.

Concho Bill
There are no racist here. We are all accuracy shooters. We take shooters as they come and don't ask about color.
That's not even close to correct. A more accurate statement would be that you are not aware of any racists here.
Hey Glenn- does jackie strike you as a racist? Me neither.

Dusty..that's not a fair question on an internet forum. I'm here to shoot a little Benchrest and have some fun. I could care less about who is or who isn't a Racist, as long as it doesn't get in the way of my plans.

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Jammer six Do you really shoot or reload, you seem to do the same thing on 6mmBr. We are here to share ideas not cut each other down. This thing with our military is kind of frustrating, were they told to stand down also? You seem like you know the answer to everything give us your take. With the weapons they had that the Iranians now have I wouldn't have my hand on my head.

Joe Salt

Time to put Jammer six on the ignore list. I haven't seen anything in his 44 posts since he joined 3 months ago that does anything but try to stir up trouble. I remember when I was in the Air Force there was a guy who if you asked anyone for a one word description of the guy,would invariably respond OBNOXIOUS. Jammer six appears to be one of those guys. this time let us ignore those who are OBNOXIOUS with NO further comment. They will soon whither away.