Are you objective?

Got a little more in this time good work.
I am quite aware of the accusations and I am aware of those that made them, I consider them to be similar to those in the code pink movement and I give them as much credibility. I have accused Obama of nothing other then have little experience. I believe you brought up the Muslim terrorist thing. I do not believe he is a terrorist or a closet Muslim, or many of the other accusations made against him I do look at the people he associates with, he has some problems their as far as I can see.
I have judged Obama on facts and found him wanting.
Here is the short form of the Keating Five Scandal. The democratic prosecutor in the case recommended that charges against John McCain not be brought but in a very rare turn of events he was overruled by the Democrat controlled Senate Ethics Committee.

The Keating Five scandal from 1989 implicated five senators in another corruption probe. Democrats Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, Donald Riegle of Michigan, John Glenn of Ohio and Alan Cranston of California, and Republican John McCain of Arizona, were accused of strong-arming federal officials to back off their investigation of Charles Keating, former chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan association. In exchange, the senators reportedly received close to $1.3 million in campaign contributions.

The Senate Ethics Committee concluded that Glenn and McCain's involvement in the scheme was minimal and dropped the charges against them. In August 1991, the committee ruled that the other three senators had acted improperly in interfering with the Federal Home Loan Banking Board's investigation.

Concho Bill
Cheap Shots

You have misspelled Koginams name three times, he has been nice about it but you are insulting him now, is this how you want the members here to see you, as a petty little boy who takes cheap shots?

A regular contributor here whose last name rhymes with "Pease" consistently and deliberately misspells my name--and one of his buddies posted how cool he thought it was to do that.

Maybe the Super Moderators should eliminate this and similar cheap shots?
Please tell your friend I'm sorry I don't have a Jewish enough name for you, since I don't know your real name or that you were German I wasn't messing with you. Would you feel better if I showed my birth certificate.
I am proud of my name and my religion and resent your accusations although I should have expected it from you.
Now you try to make yourself out the victim a liberal tactic good luck with that, I bested you in this argument so you went personal all it did was show you to be fool.

I didn't acknowledge your apology because I didn't feel it was censer, which I think you just proved my point.

I don't believe you have a Jewish friend named Ira Kaplan that was a holocaust survivor if you did he would know their are Jews with English names, German names even African names. You disgust me with your reference to the holocaust I have family that carry the numbers on their arms, and I lost uncles and ants to it, I will put you on my ignore list as I feel you are a racist and an elitist,

Bill Wynne
I am sorry if I have overstepped the rules I will understand if you need to discipline me for my statements I just hope you won't make it permanent, thanks jay Koginam