Are we starting to see a run on shooting supplies ?

I dunno Mike, Browning might be keeping the inventory down to keep the price up then. My dealer couldnt find one. They are either selling alot of em or theyre not making very many.
I'd venture the latter. After working at BPS for nearly seven years, the Browning rifles are some of the slowest movers we have on our racks. Browning is pretty proud of their 'stuff.'
( way off topic...i'll take a good mosin nagant 91/30 for $100 over most stuff offered in the new market today...notice i said"good" not a shot out worn pc of ckrap....been there done that)
my real reply would be, well you are looking for a browning ????

mike in co
I hope the horders dont start again ,some of us just cant afford to buy in years ahead bulk..
Theres a lot of 223 ammo out there in the 30cent range.
right now some pistol ammo is way down in price also. 50 rd packs not junk ammo either,
I guess you just have to shop a bit, On line can sometimes get you a good deal providing you have a local dealer to receive the firearm and do the paper work etc,
One small comment. I believe that treaties do not have to be approved by congress but only ratified by the senate, which of course, is controlled by Democrats. If Obama gets re-elected or not, unless the senate turns over, you will have a senate with a sitting president in his last term or just as bad, a lame-duck senate that may just decide to ratify that treaty before they get the boot. Just a little food for thought(or to fan the flames a little higher).

VERY GOOD POINT on the treaty. It circumvents our constitution. Obama and Clinton are going for it with the UN. They have several treaties in the works that are devastating. Plus treaties can not be reversed, although if ignored, what is the UN going to do?...invade us with Blue Helmets? This is a nasty year in front of us, particularly Nov & Dec.
very good point on the treaty. It circumvents our constitution. Obama and clinton are going for it with the un. They have several treaties in the works that are devastating. Plus treaties can not be reversed, although if ignored, what is the un going to do?...invade us with blue helmets? This is a nasty year in front of us, particularly nov & dec.

go romney !!!!!!!
On the treaty,,,there was another thread that was deleted for whatever reason ( I missed it).
But I read the different articles and all of them had to do with sales concerning EXPORTS to other countries.
I dont yet understand how that is being rolled over into "it means gun control" for us?
Vern I think the other thread was concerning arms sales to other countrys. Then with the restriction on types of arms
it might cause a problem with what each person owns. Kind of a back door attack on the second ammendment.
We know the US is just about the largest Arms dealer. This would also have a devistating effect on Aircraft sales to foreign countrys. Israel is one top buyer of US planes etc. These people that profess to being experts on foreign relations etc need a good look at. Some wouldn't even be qualified to be a dog warden''
One small comment. I believe that treaties do not have to be approved by congress but only ratified by the senate, which of course, is controlled by Democrats. If Obama gets re-elected or not, unless the senate turns over, you will have a senate with a sitting president in his last term or just as bad, a lame-duck senate that may just decide to ratify that treaty before they get the boot. Just a little food for thought(or to fan the flames a little higher).

If he doesn't get re-elected, the time between the election and Jan 19, 2013 could be very dangerous.

The most dangerous weapon of mass destruction to the US is obama.
Rumors running rampant, and empty shelves. but nothing happened. The 2nd amendment is still sound and we still have our weapons.

I do not live in the USA but I am a BR and varmint shooter. I did pick up on a word in this post that shooters often use which concerns me. That word is Weapon.

I don't own weapons I own rifles. I also own a car, knife and various other objects that could be used to harm someone. None of them are weapons until a person uses one of these objects as such. So lets select our words more carefully or we might be making life a little more difficult for ourselves.

One thing to remember Andy is that over here in the colonies the 2nd amendment SPECIFICALLY PERTAINS TO WEAPONS! "The right of the people to keep and bear arms" has nothing to do with hunting. Over here it's specifically about having an armed populace lest government run amok.

Rednecks we be.... uncultured Sons Of The Soil, but free rednecks except when we vote those freedoms away, and we keep WEAPONS close to hand.

The fact that we enjoy shooting them for sports is irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Andy, you Brits are a brave and gutsy bunch and have fought sise by side with us on many fronts to successfully repel dictators and warlords...and we admire and thank you for every life that was served up by you to help us maintain our freedoms!
I do wonder though......why you guys don't stick up for yourselves with regard to government controls on firearms in your country?
Two replys in one

Well to answer Alinwa first irrespective of whether someone bought a firearm with the intention of only ever using it as a weapon it still isn't a weapon until it has been used as such. The same can be said about a kitchen knife, hammer or what ever. Call it semantics if you will but that's what lawyers tell me. I am pretty confident that representatives from companies like remington, winchester etc will tell you that they make sporting arms.

In reply to MarkR. I think much of the time people over here don't want to go down the civil uprising, military coup or civil war route to stick up for themselves regarding the rights to own firearms. There is also a much larger portion of the population that would be considered anti gun than pro gun in Oz. So we don't have the numbers to support our sport any way.
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Andy in all respectfulness those of us that served in the US military,,,,they teach it quite differently.
Can't argue there

Yep I agree. My brother served 12 years in the army. The only intention the armed forces have for the arms they procure is for use as weapons. Their mindset and training etc is completly different to that of a civilian who competes or hunts.
Well to answer Alinwa first irrespective of whether someone bought a firearm with the intention of only ever using it as a weapon it still isn't a weapon until it has been used as such. The same can be said about a kitchen knife, hammer or what ever. Call it semantics if you will but that's what lawyers tell me. I am pretty confident that representatives from companies like remington, winchester etc will tell you that they make sporting arms.

In reply to MarkR. I think much of the time people over here don't want to go down the civil uprising, military coup or civil war route to stick up for themselves regarding the rights to own firearms. There is also a much larger portion of the population that would be considered anti gun than pro gun in Oz. So we don't have the numbers to support our sport any way.

The Canadians are bucking up quite some little bit though....I know, they aren't Brits. :)
ok so Ill go back to the old old addage.
when they outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns.
When they criminalize gun ownership only criminals will have guns.

They can have my guns/weapons when they pry them from my cold dead fingers..................

And here I stand
Slightly different set of circumstances have been affecting the supply chain over here in the UK.

. This double dip recession has caused wholesalers, and retailers a like to reduce their stock holdings.
. once the wholesales are out of any stock item they won't reorder until they can fill a shipping container.
. You Homeland security rules have well and truely f*#&@^ up our supply of gun components.
. Gun sales figures across the board have plummetted here in the UK. With many retailers closing their doors.
. Due to the lack of competition UK wholesalers and retailers tend to rip the UK buyer off by at least an additional 15-20% when compared to USA prices. e.g. a rebarrel job using a nothing special barrel is £750+
. Due to the rediculous restrictions placed upon us by succesive governments getting ammunition. powder, primers posted if frightenly expensive. e.g. order a tub of powder and the minimum shipping charge is approx $55.