ARA Indoor Nationals... ???

YEA IM GUILTY...brand me...then tar and feather me.... then string me up......i do shoot alot of 10...25...50...then reshoot the same see what happens next....ill try better not to next year...maybe i can get some good ammo from bob...or dan k...who knows maybe laupa...will come out with something that shoot straight enough and want drop 6-8 bullet per box....but i still believe there is a different between hwat i am doing and what some of the other people are doing....but fare is i told poly...give everybody a 0...just remember to move out of the target box to incase you accidently hit the want count against you...:D:D:D
I don't understand something here either, ARA is worst edge, if you've already placed a hole in the paper, how the heck could you possibly improve on the shot? The worst hole exists on the piece of paper, another hole can't make it any better, can it? Thanks, Douglas
The guilty partys are "stretching" the hole so the plug won't follow the center of the original hole. This lets it show in the plug as "in". The number of people involved is very small but it is good for the sport to put a stop to it.
I just can't visualize it, that's all. Man, you'd have to be awful good to pull it off. Thanks, Douglas

And another thing, if you were that good, you wouldn't get penalized anyway with a "zero" rule.
wow, all i can say to all this along with the new rule for 2009 ....
great new rule , shoot one bullet on a bull or you get a zero. if it is an accident that gets 2 shots on one bull , to bad you should have been more carefull, if your gun goes off when you close the bolt , it should have never been on the firing line , since that is an unsafe firearm . ONE SHOT PER BULL PERIOD.......... HAVE A NICE DAY..... CANT WAIT TO GIVE ZERO'S AT MY RANGE ......:D:D
Scotty, what are you going to do about all these guys shooting the 26 and 2700's, you ain't gonna just give it to them are you? Thanks, Douglas
I don't think many people would classify a benchrest gun with a 2 oz trigger and no safety as a "safe firearm".

I sure hope all the scorers can tell the difference between a double-shot and a 'keyholed' shot - would hate to get zeros because my barrel/ammo is going weird on me.
douglas, we have a hard enough time to shoot 2250 targets , but if someone shoots a 2500 target with one or two shots per bull , YOUR ASS WILL GET A ZERO , on that bull.........hope that sums it up pretty clear and simple.....happy hoildays...
I was just being vicious, on a few other threads someone made a sophisma post and then others followed with pejorative statements. Thanks, Douglas