just banned from the internet

serious question
what about russian sks ???

the chinese were made on tired russian tooling, then their own.

An AK will work in any environment.

An SKS is a Chinese slam fire POS.

An AR needs & likes to be run wet w/ lubricant.

I do NOT support 3rd world countries....AR's,M1A's,Mi Garands ONLY on this premisis.

I bought a sks years ago when you could buy 7.62 x39 ammo with the steel case cheap. Mines a chicom special a piece of, well, you know. Shot it a bunch till they figured out raise the price of ammo. Havent shot it in a coons age. Mine wouldnt slam fire or full auto. I feel like I got screwed. Doug
for those that do shoot one competitively or recreationally? What kind of an attitude is that toward a fellow firearm owner and shooter?

Personnally, I am just kidding the owners of the ChtoingggPlasticGun. All my buddies belonging our IPSC-Rifle section are using ARs. I am the sh*thead using either an AKS74U or a wz88 TANTAL. I often kid them for their plastic guns (being anyway all alumina) and they kid me for my steam locomotive skin made guns.

Think that way of joking each others AK / AR owners will last forever.

To go back to topic, I do wish you Americans not to have a ban in a near future as in Canada or Australia or UK. The huge shortage you have in the US for every kind of ammos or components makes me wonder.
The Republic

One them old smart guys backing the Revolutionary War ,i don't remember which one made a statement " We must surely hang to gather or we will all hang separately" ???
They used "divide and conquer" along with owning vast majority of the media to get where they are. If you think they won't do the same to gun owners you are extremely naive.

The AR platform in a rifle always seemed awkward to shoot for me but its a great platform for someone who likes to tinker. MVC-453F.JPG
In a bolt action pistol in 7.62 by 39 its a lot of fun. :D
I don't replay very often BUTTTT I feel like this is a subject that I have said for 30+ years . The "Rambo" guns will B the 1ST guns they come after and then it will B like a Cancer and spread throughout the Firearms industry.

I just sent off a donation to the NRA.

Send some $$$ to your favorite gun rights organization.

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong, but these next few years are probably not going to be good for the gun industry, or the gun owners.
I agree

I just sent off a donation to the NRA.

Send some $$$ to your favorite gun rights organization.

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong, but these next few years are probably not going to be good for the gun industry, or the gun owners.

...and right now its terrible...many popular rifles, shotguns and pistols are unobtanium as is most popular ammo types. Supply and demand has done what the politicians haven't been able to. Fully expect to see an executive order banning AR15s and high capacity mags of all types.
i do not think an executive order can contravene the constitution.

...and right now its terrible...many popular rifles, shotguns and pistols are unobtanium as is most popular ammo types. Supply and demand has done what the politicians haven't been able to. Fully expect to see an executive order banning AR15s and high capacity mags of all types.
better stick together

WOW jerry it would be tough to hold benchrest matches if you didn't have guns to shoot them with. John S is right, if we don't stick together now none of us will have firearms. I am not going to call anybody senile but you sure have me scratching my head wondering what you are thinking?
Constitution ? what Constitution

i do not think an executive order can contravene the constitution.

Please read the Bill of Rights. The name is a very powerful statement. Also said to be the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Why ? because the founders finally agreed after a length of time ,while they bickered about our rights. They totally understood the mischief of men who dwelled on power.aka the king ,throne ,what have you.

We did not lose VIET NAM WE quit it "" Jerry you know the true story

The first AR S had big problems.

Politic,s led to the quit.
AR 15 .com

I'm reading some of the comments from the last posts

some good views on our rights , that have been infringed upon we are not supposed to be political But .....

The truth is the truth. we all know whats happening. If you don't, you better start reading and watching and listening.

Read about how countries became commie.
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We did not lose VIET NAM WE quit it "" Jerry you know the true story

The first AR S had big problems.

Politic,s led to the quit.

Gerry. WE did not lose or quit the Viet Nam War. The US Army, US Navy, US Marines, USAF, or Coast Guard did not lose or quit the war.
1975 US Congress lost the WAR. The Dems in Congress surrendered to the Commies. ChiComs and Soviets alike.
I'm reading some of the comments from the last posts

some good views on our rights , that have been infringed upon we are not supposed to be political But .....

The truth is the truth. we all know whats happening. If you don't, you better start reading and watching and listening.

Read about how countries became commie.

Currently what is happening. With regard to recent events. To stay not too political....
The last 3 weeks are very similar to the end of the Weimar Republic. So called riot at capital, challenge to power, troops in the streets, emptying of the jails and prisons....

Just heard that Queen Nancy, tried to get crew served weapons in DC. Acting Defense Sec. said no way.....