Ar br?

MHO is that it must use the gas system to eject the case. However, I believe that the rule was to keep out the TUBE guns that look like AR's but aren't.


yeah but it does not say that.........specifically it does not say the rifle must be shot semi auto.....some guns have adjustable gas valves. turn the gas down to just open the bolt, and hand eject.
just matches out here
I believe mike that the rules say it must be capable of semi auto fire. If you turned down the gas system and started
Operanting the system by hand . You might raise an eyebrow or two. The towel method has been working, from imput i have received also a baffle or something between the benches. The brass catcher is ok. A towel on the bench and a small towel on the receiver will usually keep cases on the bench.
Your idea about the ejecter is a good one also. I know when they are smithed properly they shoot pretty well.
It a new idea for the AR platform and personaly i hope it takes off. Good luck to all of you who shoot it too.
The results in future can only make a good rifle like the AR Better. I think the caliber changes will certainly help.
It seems like if the gas system is disabled, then the rifle is no longer capable of semi auto fire. Will the match officials insist that you fire rounds from the magazine only? Or fire a couple from the magazine and then allow loading single rounds? If you have to seat bullets to conform to the magazine dimensions, that sort of takes some of the fun out of loading for accuracy......and negates a lot of work done testing loads. I'm sure the brass on the bench rule is a good one as it will prevent the match being slowed down by people picking up brass after each relay and arguing over whose brass is whose like they do at service rifle matches here. Also it seems like it will protect the guy at the next bench from being distracted, or worse being pelted by his neighbor's hot brass. Still, the semi auto action and brass on the bench rules are a sort of contradiction.....I noticed that the rules state that only one magazine may be brought to the bench, but there does not seem to be a requirement that rounds must be contained in and shot out of it.

Sorry for the confusion, I just get tired of typing .243" all the time when it's the same as 6mm as we all know. .Also, 243 is a hunting cartridge and rifle, to me.
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From the way the rules were explained when all of this come about, the Rifle must be fired as a semi auto, ie, from a magazine. You can not dissable the semi auto function.

From my take on this, the whole idea behind this class was to allow AR's, (derivatives from the originol AR-15 concept), to compete in a configuration that defined the Rifle, that being, a Rifle capable of semi-auto fire from a magazine. If you take away this, what you have, (as Mike pointed out), just another type of single shot Benchrest Rifle.

There are items in all competitive endevours that go under the heading of "spirit of the class", or as some would say, "spirit of the rules". The IBS is simply trying to offer a bona fide class for true AR Platform Rifles. If you want to shoot something else, your best bet is to simply build a regular "Benchrest" Rifle..........jackie
yeah but it does not say that.........specifically it does not say the rifle must be shot semi auto.....some guns have adjustable gas valves. turn the gas down to just open the bolt, and hand eject.
just matches out here

While one could use that arugument it is left up to the Ref's judgement as to what the rule means. Besides turning it off doesn't help that much anyway but a good trigger - now that's a differnet story.
i was allowed input into the rules.....not that they listened, but i saw the drafts and was allowed input.
it does not say semi auto firing for the match.....

i DID NOT SAY disable the gas system.....

i did say turn down the gas

dont get too bent....

these are east coast rules and i aint there....

i'm really looking for a match on this side of the river( on a weekend i don't have to work)

mike in co
My AR is shooting much better now that I have figured out a load for it. It is easily capable of shooting 250s if I do my part. Nothing terribly fancy about my rig. Just a Wilson barrelled upper in .223. As someone mentioned, changing the trigger made a world of difference.

The rules as far as the quantity of ammo are kind of goofy in my opinion. It says only one 20 round magazine. There fore I am limited to 20 rounds maximum (although I only load about 12 into the mag and seldom use all of them.)

The only goofy thing about the AR rules is the chamber flag. I completely understand it from a safety standpoint, but there is no way to clean without violating that rule.
i agree....they should require bolt removal...just like real br
push one pin, tilt, remove bolt...done ... takes less time to do than reading this.

mike in co