Ar br?



Does anyone have any match results for the new IBS AR classes? I'd be interested to see what 100 and 200 yard groups are like with the ARs in competition.

I don't believe AR's are allowed in Group competition. We have had just a few AR's so far show up at the Score matches I have been at and I would say they shoot about like "Factory" rifles do. They ain't Benchrest rifles; never will be.
Actually, I think AR's are allowed in any IBS competition at this point. I've only seen one at a group match so far, and well, it wasn't pretty. The shooter did well to keep all five in the record at 100, literally. He only shot the one day. That's not an indication of how well an AR can shoot, but it is an indication of how bad one can shoot. Of course, any factory can produce a rifle that shoots that poorly as well, and there could have been other factors in place. Anyhow, it hasn't taken off to be sure. Time will tell if it will...
I havn't seen one shoot group yet, but we have a guy in vermont shooting score with a one chambered in 20TAC, that usualy shoots in the 230's.
or go shoot your ar without its gas system and no mag and its a br rifle .....single shot hand operated bolt rifle......

I think that may be the idea since, if I recall correctly, the rules state that ejected rounds must stay on the bench. I have a deflector that works quite well and throws the brass forward, but the two brass catchers I have tried did not work well.
just put a small towel under the scope, across the eject port.....

trim the eject spring one coil at a time and all is well
mike in co
That could work...especially if it was a black towel......and approved.
Why do you AR guys think more of you all aren't taking advasntage of IBS' generous offing of the oportunity to show us how well these boogers shoot?
I'm logged in as my wife, I do not have a log on here. I shoot my AR in IBS score and group. Not well in either but it is my first year shooting. As it is a new class I have been bundled with other guns with a far greater ability to win.

The biggest grind (in my opinion) is that there can not be a device on the end of the barrel. No flash hiders etc. I bought new upper without one, but the rule does limit every range rat with an AR.

Catching brass took some practice. I use a cheap one I have to adjust after the "commence". Rules say chamber flag, brass catcher and the like.

My process is:

"Commence fire"

Remove flag
insert mag
drop bolt
adjust brass catcher
switch off safe
tap forward assist

prep to shoot
Curious question...

I'm logged in as my wife, I do not have a log on here. I shoot my AR in IBS score and group. Not well in either but it is my first year shooting. As it is a new class I have been bundled with other guns with a far greater ability to win.

The biggest grind (in my opinion) is that there can not be a device on the end of the barrel. No flash hiders etc. I bought new upper without one, but the rule does limit every range rat with an AR.

Catching brass took some practice. I use a cheap one I have to adjust after the "commence". Rules say chamber flag, brass catcher and the like.

My process is:

"Commence fire"

Remove flag
insert mag
drop bolt
adjust brass catcher
switch off safe
tap forward assist

prep to shoot

The IBS rules confuse me as to the "rifle must be capable of semi-automatic fire" statemant. Does this mean that you fire in the semi-automatic mode or single shot? If you fire in the semi-automatic mode how many rounds are in the magazine?

capable does not mean it must be shot in competition mag fed. single shot would be ok if the gun can shoot semi.
my question would be can i turn the gas off and still be consider " capable of semi"......
and when is someone gonna run one out here....

mike in co
NBRSA rule B.6. permits "Other Rifles". They are not eligible for any awards or prizes. The usual registration fee must be paid.

There is no requirement for the shooter to explain exactly why in the hell he would want to shoot something like an AR. Maybe there should be. :rolleyes::cool:;)
