Anyone missing their Stolle Panda??

I have independent recollection of a Texas Gunsmith that had some BR Rifles stolen from his safe. I am reasonably sure that I read about the theft here, about five years ago.

I have independent recollection of a Texas Gunsmith that had some BR Rifles stolen from his safe. I am reasonably sure that I read about the theft here, about five years ago.


I think that was Jerry Stiller.
I'll bet Kelbly's (they manufactured the action) can look up who originally purchased the action......from there it shouldn't take much to figure out who is missing it. You can find their site on BRC.


It was me. Didnt have a panda stolen though. IF there is a texas flag painted viper or a silver one with our name on the side for marketing stuck in the mud beside it, give me a call. :(
It was me. Didnt have a panda stolen though. IF there is a texas flag painted viper or a silver one with our name on the side for marketing stuck in the mud beside it, give me a call. :(

I don't think you would let this in your shop even before it got rusted.

Well maybe to dismantle and start over.

I would let it in. I even went so far to fix a buddy of mines Nesika that wouldnt work right. We will do most any degrading thing if necessary :rolleyes:
Jerry you address and or repair bolt timing issues? Thanks.......... Jan
Jan, I definately

addressed timing issues and included them in my design. :) I dont repair other actions in general. The few I have worked on was a favor to a current customer or two. Usually trying to get something working so they can sell it and buy one of ours.