Anyone Interested in Buying


Chasin' the Sunset
I talked with Elmer and he's interested in selling, ASAP. If you're interested in buying it, please let me know. If you have the ability and interest in posting this elsewhere, feel free to do so.
I realize that I'm not the right person for the job but we do so need a BR related site again. I like the other site but it's just not the same place it used to be. This one could be a good side or retirement income if done right, maybe more.. or a cheap and direct advertising medium for the right person/company, too. I hope it can happen. I'd hate to see our only dedicated venue go away completely.
without picking on elmer, the error was the platform he moved to. i am retired but not rich and not computer savy beyond a user. i do have standards, wilbur tried hard
One possibility would be for Paul at Accurate Shooter to dovetail under his umbrella with a seperate section under the Forum tabs. Everything else is in place so there'd be minimal 'start up' lag or time demands versus a stand alone site.
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One possibility would be for Paul at Accurate Shooter to dovetail under his umbrella with a seperate section under the Forum tabs. Everything else is in place so there'd be minimal 'start up' lag or time demands versus a stand alone site.
not really a possibility..two diff platforms.
It would be nice for the next owner to be focused on shooting instead of answering questions on trivial question on how to set die's. Still haven't heard a dollar amount or people will ling to step up to to be moderators. There have been a few spam posts that should have been shot down immediately. I prefer this place for real information over others. Over the last few years the content has become very stale.
20 years ago i was very computer savvy but technology change's faster than i changed my underwear so i could contribute for financial support if the
price is right .
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Forum content is routinely migrated to other forum hosting platforms. Both forum administrators work together to facilitate this.
in this case i do not think so.
this platform is setup for DATA MINING AND RESALE. go look at the permissions for use. essentially any and everything you do is up for sale on this platform.
Most all platforms can be set up for data mining and resale of's another source of an income stream. In fact, that's probably the default setup menu for most. It's up to the Forum's administrators to allow that, not allow it and/or use a platform and server that gives the choice. It doesn't impede the ability of one forums content (that allows mining) to be migrated to another forum (that doesn't).

Hopefully something positive can happen. :)
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