Any snow pictures

Snapped these today on my way to have lunch with fellow BR shooter Steve Grosvenor and his wife.


'The Hill', as it's known around here. Great sledding, serious speeds, always good for at least a fracture or two. Think Clark Griswald in Christmas Vacation......;)


'The Hill' eats equipment.


Some local lore.


A family just a few blocks away lost their home to an explosion and fire. Todays overcast seemed a fitting backdrop for the carnage.


A closer view of the sign. The sign, by the way, went up after the fire. Sort of puts some perspective on things.....

The pictures just get better and better ....... That hill for the sleeders looks awesome... Good thing I'm 53 or I'd be on my way out there there to hit it... Looks like it would a good 19th T for sure... I would have to roll or throw the ball because my hook is real bad...
You want snow
Picture #3 my truck after 2 days and 1 night, same for picture #10

Shouldn't be a problem with an engine as big as the one you got in that Ford Bill...On the other hand, maybe a guy is better off with a 4 banger auto like I had in the 80's. I almost never got stuck on account of it didn't have enough power to spin the wheels !
How in the world does a house explode? Thats crazy!! Al, with all that snow i bet you get cabin fever pretty bad with no were to shoot? Or do you have a place to shoot? What kind of temperatures are you enduring? I love seeing the pics of your golden. My Jessie girl has been gone two years now and i dearly miss her. I believe everyone has one great dog in there lifetime and mine is gone. I enjoyed the pics fellas! Lee
My Wife Kay and I went out and snapped a few Pics on the way to Sioux Falls to pick up a few things and Meet up With Al N for dinner, a rare still day around here without the wind blowing 20mph +



How in the world does a house explode? Thats crazy!! Al, with all that snow i bet you get cabin fever pretty bad with no were to shoot? Or do you have a place to shoot? What kind of temperatures are you enduring? I love seeing the pics of your golden. My Jessie girl has been gone two years now and i dearly miss her. I believe everyone has one great dog in there lifetime and mine is gone. I enjoyed the pics fellas! Lee

Lee, the house went up when some gasoline stored in the garage lit off when the freezer cycled on. The only person home at the time heard a 'Boom!' from the garage and opened the door from the house to the garage...feeding the fire a bunch of air. It went up big time, then. The winds were cranking 25-30 that day. I happened to be driving by just moments after he escaped out the front door. A fire station was less than 8 blocks away, but by the time they got there it was all over but the cryin'.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for Golden Retrievers. Olive loves to hunt roosters. The date is goofy on the camera..we don't hunt pheasants in June. :)

More Hoar Frost


I went to Southern Iowa and West Central Illinois today and there was hoar frost all the way there and back. Foggy all day. Took a couple of pics when i got home. We have some big Bald Eagles in the area--here's one i saw in my yard.:cool:

Al-thought all you outlaws from SD hunted all year:cool::rolleyes: After i went to your beautiful State a couple times this Fall you won't have much success this next June.:p:p
Nice dog.
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Great pics, the eagle. Glad you had good hunting this season. If you keep poundin' the birds, us locals will have to start in June to put anything in the freezer! :)
How about pink snow?

Just went to lunch, and it had started snowing again. My brother said did you see that the snow is pink? I just had to take some pictures on the way back to work. It snowed last night, the white kind, which helps to show the contrast. Can anyone explain this? I have also seen it snow blue here. But the blue was not near as blue as this snow is pink. I've been told "don't eat the yellow snow", but I'm thinking it's not wise to eat this snow either.



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Snowed in, both interstates closed, town is dang near shut down. My SD neighbors are getting hammered now and we in Fargo are braced for another 6-8".. Hah!!

Rod in Fargo
Doug Penttinen
That eagle appears to be flying so slow while dragging that pole under him that the snow has built up an inch or more on his wings and body.
My Eagle has a hidden meaning. The Eagle represents the freedoms in this country, the pole in his hind end represents the Government. BTW--he wieghs in at a HV 650#
