Any air rifle converts with high ammo cost and short supply



Last time I posted that a person who wanted to participate in extreme accuracy bench rest shooting and purchased 5000 good quality pellets and shot them instead of match grade rimfire ammo, he could purchase a new 2000.00 air rifle every year on ammo savings. With cost what they are now I would think that is done is a lot less time.

Some reply's were hey its a hobby and we do not care what it cost applies to most folks now! There is some hot competition 2 mm 10 ring at 25 meters.

Bob Z
Air rifles

Yes, I bought three in the last year. Real high grin factor when we shoot them. At first I said no way would I pay 2,000 for a BB gun. But I got smarter? and paid up. Great fun to shoot. You are right about the cost. I even shoot them in my house. Killed P-Dogs at 100 yds. Been shooting Benchrest too. Only one problem. The shooting matches all seem to be scheduled on the same weekends in this area, BR. VFS and Air gun. I got one of my buddies shooting one also. He put in a range in his basement. Have fun. Don
No air rifles for BR but have bought a couple of break action rifles for plinking and practicing my offhand. Great fun and surprisingly accurate. More accurate than my offhand at 20-30 yards for sure!
If you'se guys could work the bugs out, get me an ACCURATE air rifle I'd be in! I check in every year or last post on airgun central was "hey is this guy blowing smoke or what?" about he accuracy of (I think) a Benjamin Marauder.

I also asked about the accuracy of something called a "Sumo," it was around 1/4moa++

You're getting close :)

I think airguns are more accurate than 22rf's.

Show me a tenth minute airgun and I'll buy it.
If is not accurate, it's not interesting. If you have ever had squirrels in your attic, you don't ever want them, I blocked the hole they chewed in the wood, guess what, they chewed another one. War was declared. I bought one of the highly advertised break over spring air rifles. It was suppose to be quiet. Quiet compared to what? It was as loud. It was .177 cal. It shot ok but was really not that good. My target is about 40 feet. It didn't take long to realize that the scope is mounted to the receiver and the barrel is hinged and has movement everytime it is cocked. I gave it to my kids to sell in a garage sale. Started doing research on the web. Like George, I ended up with a 22 cal. Benjaman Marauder. Got a scuba take from a friend and the fun began. It has a scope that focuses down to 10 yds. First thing I noticed is how quiet it was. Sighted it in and then just had to shoot a group. Put on a bi-pod, got a sandbag and layed down on the dining room floor shooting out the back door. They just kept going into a hole and I kept shooting until the 10 shot clip was empty. Measured the group with the club measuring tool, .144. Granted this is 40 feet. This air rifle has a nice adjustable trigger and I have had a ball shooting it. Is it as good as a $2000 rifle, probably not but it will teach you about follow through. Just like benchrest and long range shooting. I bought it from Air Gun Depot and their service was outstanding.The air rifle was $569 and for me it was well worth it.
I haven't heard

of anyone buying up all the available pellets yet, like just happened with the Eley ammo. I can see Airguns becoming much bigger than they are now, that's for sure.
As I understand it, you have to buy air rifle specific scopes for those. I can't jump ship just yet; I've hoarded too many primers and bullets and too much powder.
Back when I was your age, George, I used to do a lot of scuba diving. A buddy and I had a Cornelius compressor and we filled our tanks off a bank of, I think, four large tanks. When I gave it up I sold my equipment, including eight dive tanks for next to nothing. That was in the early sixties. I don't even want to know what they cost now.

I always thought the same regarding air rifle specific scopes. I had an extra Leupold 4x12 that was needing a new home. I called Leupold and asked them if I could use it on my Feinwerkbau 300 and they said no problem. It's been on there two years now without any problems.
I always thought the same regarding air rifle specific scopes. I had an extra Leupold 4x12 that was needing a new home. I called Leupold and asked them if I could use it on my Feinwerkbau 300 and they said no problem. It's been on there two years now without any problems.

I think it may be the spring operated rifles that have issues with scopes, if any. The pre-charged rifles have verry little recoil.

Regarding Air Rifles; there are more Custom components these days. I have an EV2 that is close to being compatitive but may need a bit of tweeking I also have a CZ 200 that shoots plenty well to kill mall varmints, which I have done.

These rifles are, like any other rifle, dependent on pellet lot for extreme accuracy. Flyers are flyers are flyers, no matter what one shoots.
well,,,, I really like the smell of fresh burning H4198 in the morning mist,,,,,,,, ya just ain't gonna get that with a AIR RIFLE,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
