another thought problem, NOT gun related

Now if this isn’t bigotry, I don’t know what is “every time” .
YES :) You nailed it!

But is bigotry BAD??

In the real world we ALL make judgements every day about folks and situations around us. City folks look down on country folks and vise versa. Rich look down on poor, poor write songs about the rich. Gun shooters pick on bow shooters who pick on crossbow shooters who pick on musket shooters. Polacks pick on Germans who pick on Finn's who pick on Danes...... The English are famous for knocking the French who in turn look down their aristocratic noses at you'se 'Cajun American by way of Canada (Acadianadians??) and until we start believing in one or the other as being "better" it's all good. Doesn't make any of us RIGHT, just different. Vive' la difference!

Why do you think I tell Jew jokes on you?

Because you don't like them ;)

Just as you're offended by military humor, Yo Mama jokes etc.... and you probably think stomping kittens is mean.

I need to know to whom I'm speaking keeps me aware of your hotbuttons so's I can avoid argument on the good stuff.

I'm pointing it out to show that we think DIFFERENTLY not because the fact I'd trust a Devil Dawg over a gentleman is in any way better than your choice to look up to gentlemen.

Just different.
Throwing bigoted insults at me is one thing but the problem comes when one whose “hot buttons” are different then yours or mine reads the remarks. Such may have been the case when you threw an anti-Semitic insult at or was read by Rabbi Rob, Reuven Mermelstein. This was a Jewish fellow who wrote for Guns And Ammo Magazine. The good rabbi had more knowledge of more cartridges in his baby finger than most have in their entire bodies. He used to frequent this page when Wilbur was in charge. Well, he left and never came back. Imagine me remembering that and bringing it up. So the point is, before you open your big yap you must think. As for military jokes, if you never served you should stay out of it. Did you serve? You’re tough to pin down and I doubt you’ll answer that question. I don’t tell Canadiens, Britts, or Mexicans how to run their countries and I certainly don’t want them to tell us how to run ours. My brother was a submariner in the U.S. Navy, Their sub’s motto was, “Leave us alone, we’ll sink ourselves”. Same thing applies on running one’s country.
So what I’m saying is write what you want, I’ll not read it.
Great Explanation Glen

the pressure is reduced on the top side of the wing because of the increase in speed of air flow. The pressure is not negative at either place, (i.e., pressure is still greater than zero for both). So, the wing is pushed upward.


Why we gotta go and make this personal? This is where it goes to crap and the discussion dies with folks walking away shaking their heads. It's one thing to discuss/debate our idea's and perceptions of how things work but....IMO it's over the line. Some might want to point fingers as to where it may have started but just let it go....stick to the facts man!

IMO This ^^^ is a part of what killed this once great place. Long slow death by attacks. Lots of really knowledgeable people bailed long ago. Sad.
[/QUOTE] Lots of really knowledgeable people bailed long ago. Sad.[/QUOTE]

See Frances, there is hope for me yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Throwing bigoted insults at me is one thing but the problem comes when one whose “hot buttons” are different then yours or mine reads the remarks. Such may have been the case when you threw an anti-Semitic insult at or was read by Rabbi Rob, Reuven Mermelstein. This was a Jewish fellow who wrote for Guns And Ammo Magazine. The good rabbi had more knowledge of more cartridges in his baby finger than most have in their entire bodies. He used to frequent this page when Wilbur was in charge. Well, he left and never came back. Imagine me remembering that and bringing it up. So the point is, before you open your big yap you must think. As for military jokes, if you never served you should stay out of it. Did you serve? You’re tough to pin down and I doubt you’ll answer that question. I don’t tell Canadiens, Britts, or Mexicans how to run their countries and I certainly don’t want them to tell us how to run ours. My brother was a submariner in the U.S. Navy, Their sub’s motto was, “Leave us alone, we’ll sink ourselves”. Same thing applies on running one’s country.
So what I’m saying is write what you want, I’ll not read it.

"Yeahh, "or was read by".

I have never "thrown an anti-Semitic insult" at anyone in my life. I point things out, generally to make a point, I don't fling...... "or was read by" is generally the problem.

The very problem I'm trying to avoid.

Generally I've learned that passionate discourse "offends" a certain type of person.

That type of person would like to see passion banned.
you may be right FBecigneul. It might just be time for me to go, again.

In the meantime since my thread is wrecked I'll clear the air a liddle.

Y'know, Wilbur used to call me. First thing I'd ask is, "Am I in trouble for making people cry again? Would you like me to leave BRC??" And he'd assure me "NO, you're not the problem"

So I'd not leave. And for 20yrs FBecigneul has been at me. Well, not all 20yrs, for the first 5 yrs we got along fine with hugs all-round as necessary. Mr FBecigneul even gifted me with a copy of Mr Mermelstein's book... the Rabbi he thinks highly of ... (((there is no incidental "huhh? Who'da' thunk I'd remember THAT huh??"))) He remembers and I remember every word that was said. Now, with the words right there in front of us did we see and read the same thing the three of us??? Of course not. But as we most of us learned in kindeegarten, so what!.... Mr Mermelstein (whose internet handle BTW was "Rabbi") was touting the merits of the 22-250 and I disagreed calling it a classic, an antique, a round which has been supplanted by other more well designed cartridges.... And Mr Mermelstein took his ball and went home. And FBecigneul castigated me severely.

Then, we "disagreed" over something else, pretty big, right there on the BRC board and that was the end of that! (Again, I remember EVERYTHING, but I'm not opening that bucket a slugs...)

So, here we are, fighting like infants in the sandbox because I've stepped on someone's pet again, truly weird. I've AGAIN offended Mr FBecigneul!

I've stepped on a LOT of pets thru the years, I try to see them and can't always but I can state with absolute finality that no-one EVER has "offended" me on the innernet! Nor in any room....

FBecigneul you think we should all agree........ you think we should all pick the same side and stick together like hens and chicks........You and a couple of your fans have been very vocal in this regard. You and these friends think I'm "mean" because I don't buy into every traditional BR myth. Also, my stated position as an avowed outsider bugs you, you're really troubled by any agreement with what just might be the wrong team, that "I'm hard to pin down"...... scarey.... I've been forced many times to state that "I'm just not the secret handshake sort of guy!" That I'm not a member of any club anywhere......and for over 20yrs I've had to look out for when is the next time you would take some slight, I'd say something wrong...A'gain. And off we'd go. I try, I really try to keep on top of it and ruffle you just enough to keep it from getting weird.....but here it is again.

I've never minded acting the foil, being the lightning rod, the bad guy in the interest of drawing people and ideas out.

((duhh, my tagline has been 'oft dis'd member' since day one... I STARTED with that handle)) but the only thing important to me is the dissemination of TRUTHS over opinions and pet ideas....

I'm a student and a teacher. ALL I care about is truth. As I've also stated many times, I love to be proven wrong. I'd much rather be shown to be wrong than to ever be right. This entire thread was started because I saw something interesting and wanted to learn more about it. So for 20yrs on this forum I've searched for and tried to pass on shooting TRUTHS.... In this regard I also used to keep in touch with Harold Vaughn and use him for my sounding board re these TRUTHS..... and his kid used to come on here and argue his case too, often because one of these cronies would pipe up with "what does this Vaughn guy know ennyways?? What tournaments has HE won??"

There exists a large portion of our population to whom "truth" will always belong to a collective, to the "right side" and to "winners" as opposed to scientists. Look around, look at the "news" today..... look at where we stand as a nation today. OUR fault, all of it, for not defending TRUTH. All my life I've fought this thought process, begging people to think for themselves.....teaching that the ability to separate fact from opinion is a valuable life skill.

And that we can learn from everyone.

UNLESS people start "getting offended"..... especially now when "getting offended" carries special weight in the collective. At a time when taking a knee takes the heart of our nation..... a time when being woke is all that matters. My voice is weak.... and yet hurtful, to so many......

So okay OKAYY!! YOU WIN Mr FBecigneul, A'gain!.......I'll back out, crawl back under my rock now and let you have your platform back.... I can after all, this is my thread! ;)

Stay strong and unmelted

yes, your boat will catch the balloon.... driven on wings of unicorns
I watched the video and several others where physicists were explaining exactly how the downwind car works.

The light came on when you finally see that the Prop is not driven by the wind, but by the wheels. The concept of comparing it to a lever system cleared up a lot of brain fog and got me past the old perpetual motion thing. The prop’s speed, or better it’s blade tip velocity, is so much greater than the speed of the rotating wheels that it induces the force to accelerate the vehicle faster than the downwind direction of travel.

Thanks for posting.
I watched the video and several others where physicists were explaining exactly how the downwind car works.

The light came on when you finally see that the Prop is not driven by the wind, but by the wheels. The concept of comparing it to a lever system cleared up a lot of brain fog and got me past the old perpetual motion thing. The prop’s speed, or better it’s blade tip velocity, is so much greater than the speed of the rotating wheels that it induces the force to accelerate the vehicle faster than the downwind direction of travel.

Thanks for posting.

Why then do you even need the wind? Just give it a shove to get it rolling and off you go, be sure to put brakes on it.. Sure looks like perpetual motion to me, been down that rabbit hole more than once. ( which shows I'm a slow learner)

And I like Al and FB, don't want to see either one go.
Why then do you even need the wind? Just give it a shove to get it rolling and off you go, be sure to put brakes on it.. Sure looks like perpetual motion to me, been down that rabbit hole more than once. ( which shows I'm a slow learner)

And I like Al and FB, don't want to see either one go.

LOL!!! My Father-in-law, an inventor who made his living actually inventing viable products (he invented the coin-op air vending machine for corner gas stations, among other things) died with a perpetual motion mo'chine on his workbench.....

I giggled when, 20yrs ago he made a big rotating table with all sorts of "magnets" on it and was SOOOO excited!! He couldn't QUITE get 'er kickstarted.... but he could basically "keep 'er going forever if he trickled in just a dab of electric!"

Anyways.... here's the difference. This buggy is not perpetual motion. It HAS a power input. Left to it's own devices it'll slowly creep down the wind just like a balloon, or a cardboard box, or a kid on a skateboard with his jacket open. It HAS a power source. (((BTW the kid on the skate can get RIPPIN' by tacking with the jacket flaps!!)))

Just as a light balloon has a power source. And the balloon being very light-for-size will probably achieve very nearly 100% windspeed over time. Riding in a balloon gondola can only be described as "serene" because there is essentially NO WIND! You've matched the windspeed.

But you certainly can't go FASTER....

The absolute beauty of the thing is that if it can get up to say 80% windspeed on it's own.... kinda' like to kid on the skateboard..... and then you draw some power off the drivetrain to spin a light prop and this prop "pushes on the face of the wind!!!"

You get the wind feeding you a constant say 10mph...... and you use that for push, then you use the wheel-drive to add to that.

10mph wind....constant power

-If you can drift to 8mph
-and then add 3mph from the prop

You're getting 11mph in a 10mph wind!!
LOL!!! My Father-in-law, an inventor who made his living actually inventing viable products (he invented the coin-op air vending machine for corner gas stations, among other things) died with a perpetual motion mo'chine on his workbench.....

I giggled when, 20yrs ago he made a big rotating table with all sorts of "magnets" on it and was SOOOO excited!! He couldn't QUITE get 'er kickstarted.... but he could basically "keep 'er going forever if he trickled in just a dab of electric!"

Anyways.... here's the difference. This buggy is not perpetual motion. It HAS a power input. Left to it's own devices it'll slowly creep down the wind just like a balloon, or a cardboard box, or a kid on a skateboard with his jacket open. It HAS a power source. (((BTW the kid on the skate can get RIPPIN' by tacking with the jacket flaps!!)))

Just as a light balloon has a power source. And the balloon being very light-for-size will probably achieve very nearly 100% windspeed over time. Riding in a balloon gondola can only be described as "serene" because there is essentially NO WIND! You've matched the windspeed.

But you certainly can't go FASTER....

The absolute beauty of the thing is that if it can get up to say 80% windspeed on it's own.... kinda' like to kid on the skateboard..... and then you draw some power off the drivetrain to spin a light prop and this prop "pushes on the face of the wind!!!"

You get the wind feeding you a constant say 10mph...... and you use that for push, then you use the wheel-drive to add to that.

10mph wind....constant power

-If you can drift to 8mph
-and then add 3mph from the prop

You're getting 11mph in a 10mph wind!!

Yes, as to your father -law, I know how he felt. 50 years ago, I was 25 and I absolutely, positively had a machine design that would run on the effects of gravity, no way in hell it wouldn't work. Built a prototype. I'd like to tell you that I was bought out by big oil and living the good life, but I'd be lying.

It just stood there, not doing a thing. (sort of like some of my employees)
Yes, as to your father -law, I know how he felt. 50 years ago, I was 25 and I absolutely, positively had a machine design that would run on the effects of gravity, no way in hell it wouldn't work. Built a prototype. I'd like to tell you that I was bought out by big oil and living the good life, but I'd be lying.

It just stood there, not doing a thing. (sort of like some of my employees)

'tchu talkin about.......they're doing something.......checking twitter
BTW, instead of Big Oil buying you out, they kill you ....... I've got a second cousin who supposedly built a motor that'd "twist off a 1-inch output shaft" and ran forever off "the ether" him, his partner "The Big Indian" and his foreign money man all disappeared under mysterious circumstances or were murdered "by the big corporations that control the government"

This guy is family, I've grown up with the tale. My dentist used to live with the guy, his uncle, and believes it totally. I have dozens of close relatives who knew the guy personally (they all refer to him as "a genius"... I've got 4-5 other relatives that get called "genius" a lot too. But no-one ever calls ME a genius...) anyways the people who're still alive and sane all believe he really did it.

I of course think they're all deluded LOL

I've learned to just set there and nod and bob and chuck in the occasional comment or question (((I'm better than George Noori at leading questions.... heck I'm better than Art Bell and he was considered to be the master...)))

I get it all....

And they don't KNOW I think they're crazy ;)

I've also got a "Dad's Uncle Alvin" who could drive nails with his 30-30, get all the clothespins on the line spinning at the same time and he even once "drove a chainsaw file clear through a telephone pole from 2 poles away"
On the subject of powerline poles.....My favorite family story concerns the twister that touched down on XXXX's farm. It took apart the barn and stuck STRAW completely thru the yardlight pole! And for DAYS he couldn't find his best Banty rooster. He'd hear him crowing every morning from 'wayyy over yonder but he'd never come home.

Then one day he noticed a bleach jug kinda' rolling around weirdly in the yard and he went picked 'er up and looked inside......
Great guns

back in the day we've had all sorts of discussions about things like "how does a muzzle brake work" and "how does a bullet fly in a crosswind" and "can a bullet be over-stabilized" and "why does a left-blown bullet impact high?"

we've even had topics about cars and trains and airplanes.

Well here's one that threw my world off axis for a bit.

This guy built a buggy that goes faster than the wind........ A vehicle which goes faster than the wind without an outside power source...... And got an open innernet bet for 10 large with a professor who said "that defies the laws of physics."

it's got me and mine talking :)

and as a "money where yer mouth is" guy who has a similar bet out there about bullets going to sleep, i liked this guy's approach :)

so here's the vid of the bet setup. Other vids are available which expand on the subject but this is the first one i saw, the one sent to me.
joe heines wins 100 yd ul. And grand.