

Well-known member
IR 50/50 Indoor Unlimited Nats/ ammo

All year I have heard many shooters complain about not being able to find good match quality ammo. Many claimed there was none to be had.

If you look at the IR 50/50 unlimited matches going on this weekend at Piney Hill, Va. you would never think there was a shortage of quality ammo.

It has been 250 city all weekend.

Nine shooters shot 750 aggs. over the three targets. With the winner shooting 750 with 64Xs, second shot 750 63Xs, third with a 750 60Xs. etc. etc.

Guys, that is getting it done. You can't do that without great ammo.

I don't know if these guys found this ammo this year, or saved it from previous shipments, but one thing for sure they showed up ready to shoot.

Congratulations to Maurice Hassard for winning the yards yesterday. The meters is being shot as I'm writing this.


Results after Protests:

Maurice Hassard 1 750 64 250
Bruce Hornstein 2 750 63 250
Frank Karwowski 3 750 60 250
Ken Jacobs 4 750 59 250
Barry Maney 5 750 58 250
Chuck Morrel 6 750 57 250
Gordon Huff 7 750 53 250
Jeff Lloyd 8 750 50 250
George Donovan 9 750 50 250
Jimmy Tate 10 750 43 250
Tony Mettinger 11 750 43 250
Bill Dooley 12 749 65 249
Jay Boyd 13 749 61 250
Marc Mankin 14 749 60 250
Daniel Smith 15 749 55 249
George Atkins 16 749 54 250
John Prince 17 749 53 250
Ralph VanHorn 18 749 53 250
Keith Royal 19 749 51 250
Brian Gilliland 20 749 46 250
Jason Frymier 21 748 58 249
Don Kowalsky 22 748 55 248
Chris Bogart 23 748 54 249
Lacey Alman 24 748 53 250
Mac See 25 748 50 250
Mike Staszewski 26 747 48 249
Hal Tate 27 746 48 249
Dave Roofner 28 746 44 247
Tim Omara 29 745 47 249
Ken Mix 30 745 44 245
Jeff Garrison 31 745 38 247
Loyd Breedlove 32 745 36 248
Gary Gallion 33 745 36 248
Jay Irwin 34 744 40 246
Denny Antonis 35 744 39 247
Tim Lam 36 742 44 248
Judy Gallion 37 741 31 250
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Thanks Tony. Your thoughts as to, perhaps, how it balances out between ELEY/Lapua……even if it’s among the top few.
Thanks Tony. Your thoughts as to, perhaps, how it balances out between ELEY/Lapua……even if it’s among the top few.

I really don't know, but I would bet that only 2 of the top 20 are shooting Eley. Maybe more, and if so, maybe they will speak up and let us know.

Even at meters the X count continued to roll high. With 22 and 23 X counts. Barry Manley won the National Champion Belt buckle with a 1499-120X for 6 targets 3 tgts yards and 3 tgts meters. He averaged 20X's - That is shooting good and good ammo.

This match was a heavyweight slugfest - to place on a target you had to have 20+ X's and guys with 21X's ended up being also rans at times!

Thanks for sharing, Tony, in fact, that's great shooting all the way round.
I know personally Maurice, and he is a great shooter, totally dedicated with incredible mental stamina.
IR 50/50 Indoor Unlimited Nats

Very tough match, many great shooters and Barry got it done! Congratulations Barry Maney!

Great scores across the board.

First number after the name is the place.

Next is score.

Then X count.

Last set of numbers is first target score.

Barry Maney 1 1499 120 250
Ken Jacobs 2 1499 114 250
Chuck Morrel 3 1499 111 250
Maurice Hassard 4 1499 110 250
George Donovan 5 1499 100 250
Bruce Hornstein 6 1498 121 250
Marc Mankin 7 1498 120 250
Frank Karwowski 8 1498 117 250
Brian Gilliland 9 1498 102 250
Don Kowalsky 10 1497 119 248
Daniel Smith 11 1497 101 249
Ralph VanHorn 12 1497 98 250
Jeff Lloyd 13 1496 105 250
George Atkins 14 1496 89 250
Jay Boyd 15 1495 106 250
Bill Dooley 16 1495 97 249
Mac See 17 1495 91 250
John Prince 18 1494 88 250
Mike Staszewski 19 1493 88 249
Tony Mettinger 20 1493 79 250
Chris Bogart 21 1492 100 249
Jason Frymier 22 1491 106 249
Keith Royal 23 1491 92 250
Dave Roofner 24 1490 86 247
Lacey Alman 25 1486 96 250
Tim Omara 26 1486 84 249
Tim Lam 27 1484 81 248

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Good day Tony,

More than one shooter this past weekend was surprised you did not shoot.
Hope all is well in your world.

Good day Tony,

More than one shooter this past weekend was surprised you did not shoot.
Hope all is well in your world.



Thanks for asking about me. I'm doing OK, little back problem, and I'm still hobbling around.

I was with you guys in sprit just couldn't get the rest of me there.

You guys did some great shooting.

I heard they decided to leave the heat off. Do you think that helped the scores?


Thanks for asking about me. I'm doing OK, little back problem, and I'm still hobbling around.

I was with you guys in sprit just couldn't get the rest of me there.

You guys did some great shooting.

I heard they decided to leave the heat off. Do you think that helped the scores?


The heat was left off.
Sunday morning would have been the only day heat would have been needed. But everyone was appropriately attired for the conditions.
Help the scoring? Don’t know. For sure the no heat did not hurt the scores. IMO.
I asked the guys when I got there on Sunday if they wanted the heat on and I got a resounding no. They said the shooting conditions were nice and stable, and the heat would only screw it up. They also added heat was only for wimps. :). So I left it off. The temp inside was better than outside where it got really cold and blustery. The cement floor had stored heat in it because it only turned cold over night. On Thursday, they were practicing with the big door open.

I no longer compete in rimfire shooting, but I do watch the results from matches, and I'm thinking ammo has gotten way better, or best lots have gotten better. It's good to see! I'm sure the search for great ammo is as tough as ever. I always thought when I sat down at the bench, that my rifle was up to the task at hand, but I always wondered if some of the guys shooting against me had a little better ammo. hahhahha
I've only shot in a very few indoor matches

What I did notice was one of the best shooters of the time came to the bench with a big hand full of different lots of ammo and found the best one for that moment in time. Made a lot of sense to me.

The best ammo I ever found for the two new rifles I had when I began RF benchrest for the second time I found in the Big Chicken Barn on the Thursday before the matches began. Unfortunately it was so good it quickly disappeared. I figured from my experiencing that, testing in that way, was the very best way to find the good stuff. That ammo worked everywhere all year.
