American Guns (hopefully not)

You got that right! But our version of hot is anything thats under 50 and has two legs and a good set of headlights! And is reasonably attractive!!
Although I also find the program way over the top, I was impressed with the episode where the shop cnc machined a "yellow boy" receiver from a solid block of bronze/brass, if indeed this was done by the shop without any "reality tv" assistance..............Don
I am laughing my ass off, this a different side of you I have never seen before!! Your generally pretty quiet, where did this come from ? Dare I ask if you watch the show that Repo's cars where that chick with all the Tat's and Bling hanging from here face! Now that is one scary broad!

I'm only quiet at the matches. That's just because I'm usually concentrating so hard. Get me on a subject after the day's shooting and I'll bend your ear pretty well. Here, I probably talk too much!

I haven't seen the Repo show yet, but I saw that INK show once and couldn't change it fast enough. Tramp stamp city!
You got that right! But our version of hot is anything thats under 50 and has two legs and a good set of headlights! And is reasonably attractive!!

I don't usually look if they're over 40, but I admit that one of the hottest women on the planet right now is 41 or 42. Fox news channel's host of America Live-Megyn Kelly is GORGEOUS! She puts a lot of twenty and thirty somethings to shame.
I'll catch that show whenever I can.;)
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Although I also find the program way over the top, I was impressed with the episode where the shop cnc machined a "yellow boy" receiver from a solid block of bronze/brass, if indeed this was done by the shop without any "reality tv" assistance..............Don

I think they got the program for the cnc off of a website. It could be downloaded or bought on a disk.
I think they got the program for the cnc off of a website. It could be downloaded or bought on a disk.

Ah, I missed when they explained the offsite program acquisition, but my radar was definitely up when this shop had such a hard time doing some of the most basic gunsmith barrel operations but were some how able to pull off a complex receiver manufacturing feat.............Don
I don't usually look if they're over 40, but I admit that one of the hottest women on the planet right now is 41 or 42. Fox news channel's host of America Live-Megyn Kelly is GORGEOUS! She puts a lot of twenty and thirty somethings to shame.
I'll catch that show whenever I can.;)

Oh yes, on a scale of one to ten, Megyn Kelly is a solid fifteen.
I have to admit I watch Megyn alot, but almost all the women on Fox are hot, Shannon Bream, Kimberly Guilfoyle, The news is interesting but who cares I'm watchin the hotties!
Well, the great thing is that not only are they hot, but they're smart. Shannon Bream has eyes you can drown in.
I am laughing my ass off, this a different side of you I have never seen before!! Your generally pretty quiet, where did this come from ? Dare I ask !

Well I have to admit , I am Jim's uncle.......hence Uncle B
I was the bad influence (again) that told him to watch !!!!!!

He in turn is getting me back by making me shoot my first benchrest match ever this weekend so that Lou Murdica can kick my A^* !!!!!
Well Uncle B I am looking forward to meeting you,this weekend, and if Glenn Brace shows up he is usually the one kicking butt! Oh and thanks for tuning in the new goodgrouper!!
Look forward to meeting you as well, I will be easy to spot. worst group of the bunch, smile on my face and a camo hat to hide the bald dome.
Would someone tell me which network this program is on ? I stumbled upon it once or twice while channel surfing, but haven't been able to find it again. I have DIRECT TV, if anyone knows the channel #, that would be great.

I did see the episode mentioned in the original post and agree that it resembled the Larry, Curly, and Moe approach.


Try monitoring the Discovery Channel on Direct TV. It's on Discovery on Wednesday nights on my cable. Some of the episodes are really funny.
:D Kinda looks like him doesn't he!? Maybe Chum's got a twin brother?

I don't think he has anything in common with Chumley. Chumley is much thinner, isn't obnoxious, has a personality and probably knows more about gunsmithing.
Try monitoring the Discovery Channel on Direct TV. It's on Discovery on Wednesday nights on my cable. Some of the episodes are really funny.

It's also on my cable on Wednesday nights. Funny always funny.
If you gents would like a change of pace from the gun shows mentioned, check out 'Top Gear' from BBC America. (Not the US version of the show, which is simply a POS in my opinion...) Fast cars, and a lot more. Very funny too. Just be prepared for the shots they take at so many American cars.
We have just started to get this and the other one I think its called Sons of Guns shown over here via our satelite TV channels. IIRC we are on the 2nd series of both. All I can say is what a load of crap! As an advert for american gunsmithing, I don't think you could get anything worse. If one lot aren't acting like a bunch of rednecks the other lot are working customers over for every buck they can get.

I don't bother watching either anymore.
If you gents would like a change of pace from the gun shows mentioned, check out 'Top Gear' from BBC America. (Not the US version of the show, which is simply a POS in my opinion...) Fast cars, and a lot more. Very funny too. Just be prepared for the shots they take at so many American cars.

I thoroughly recommend the shear brilliance of Messers Clarkson, Hammond and May. The 18th series has recently finished. So we'll just have to wait for the Christmas Special