aluminum bedding blocks

Kevin and Tim,
Yes, I do remember seeing pictures of the Turbo aluminum stock. For the last several years I have traveled a bit all over and shoot both major sanctioning bodies. I have never seen one at a match, big or small, ever. While I do not know of one ever winning a match, never seeing one in my travels makes me think no.

As to the new pressurized high resin wood laminate ones, I have two of them. One is unfired, the other has a couple of matches on it with one win. At this time, hard to say it was the stock because the rifle was new in the first part of September and I have little time on it. I can say vibrations seen through the scope and in the barrel when testing was minimal compared to other stocks I have. The other stock has an action in it just to check bedding. These stocks come bedded from the MFG, and with a Stiller action, they are spot on. Neither the stock I have shot or the one waiting in the wings were bedded on the actions that are/will be in them. I can not answer to other makers actions, but with a Stiller action, they are solid. There has been a lot of success in ARA with rifles using these stocks, which are fairly new to the market. Tim is absolutely correct on weight. The only purpose of a rifle stocked in the new Dymalux material would be ARA or IR 50/50 Unlimited. You just are not going to make weight in 10.5 class for 3-gun with the current offerings.

I completely understand, though never shot it, why a single stock in position shooting with different barreled actions would be a great advantage. In RFBR, I don't think it has a competitive advantage. JMO

I purchased one of Anthony's stocks when they first became available because I thought it might be advantageous in my testing. I wanted to be able to compare various barreled actions without introducing all the possible variables from using separate stocks with different geometries, materials, beddings, etc. In conjunction with that I thought I might be able to determine if there were large differences in conventionally stocked rifles that were either beneficial or hindered performance.

I also thought I might be able to eliminate a lot of time/cost if I had a universal platform and didn't have to purchase stocks as well as having them bedded.

I planned on modifying it to accept all the actions I currently own, but as happens so often, other projects and shooting more matches than I expected over the last few years derailed my plan.

Anyway, I don't have any data suggesting the Diorio stock would or would not be an improvement over other more conventional stocks.

However, I did do something similar with my Young rail-gun this last March when I had Jerry Stiller convert it to an action block system vs the circular bore with Delrin split sleeves that captured the barrel.

In my spare time from March to the end of November last year, I was able to shoot about a case of ammo with 5 different actions and some dozen barrels while constantly tinkering with it. I got real serious in November and eventually I was able to shoot my best combos of action/barrel/ammo in their conventional stocks and duplicate their precision when I transferred the barreled action to the rail.

This suggests to me it may be possible to use a v-block embedded in a stock without any bedding and be competitive.

One thing I do know for certain is that I'm gunna have a Hell of a lot of fun trying to shoot my rail next Spring and Summer in a few matches. Because I've never considered myself a serious competitor, this is how I get my jollies. LOL

