Almost ready for the National's, just some finishing touches left......

Really having a good time. Had no problem with passing inspection. Right on power, right on weight and width. Sure I wish I could shoot better but feel good about it so far and this has been a great time. Learning a lot and meeting some great guys. Man some of them can shoot! I liked seeing the springer guys. Looked like a work out for sure. Things were a little slow on signing in on Friday but I can't complain as checking in 85 people for 5 classes and with all the people that had changed gear at the minute made for a big job. I am glad all the info we updated will be included in reports and you all will as well. Some very interesting rigs and equipment here. Wind is very tricky, Now that I have flags I have some idea of what is going on but also is an added new thing to learn.
Great news Chip. That's what it's all about!!!

Keep up the good work.

Dave Shattuck
Hi Chip

Very nice to meet you in Phoenix!!! Was windy, but we had a bunch of fun, and like I said, very impressed with your workmanship on your rifles!!!
Hope you had a good time with your wife here in the desert heat, and a good trip back home!

It was a great time to me you and all the shooters. Everyone was friendly and I learned alot. Some of your ideas were outstanding and you will do good with them. We will be in touch and work on a few things together.