Almost ready for the National's, just some finishing touches left......


New member
Nothing like waiting for the last minute. Just got them up and shooting this morning. I still have some parts to make but I was on a mission to get them shooting desent and see if it was worth even any more work. Sumo is wieghing in at 19 pounds for the Open class and shooting 18.1 JSB's at 925 fps with a big Nikko scope and 1" dia barrel from a new supplier that came in the mail from Dan Brown this morning who could not make it to Phoenix. How many of you guys just took a big sigh of relief on that one! I wish he could make it, would have been great to meet him.
Sumo Jr is at 11.5 pounds shooting 10.3 JSB .177 call at 925 fps also and is wearing a Leupold Comp 40 scope for the HV class. I bumed the barrel from Tim McMurray at the last minute do to Lothar Walther's standard operating procedure of not replying to request's to buy a barrel. Thank's Tim. I will add some items and bulk this boy up closer to 15 pounds.
Look me up if your there!

You could talk me into the SUMO Jr. I love my SUMO! Will Have to show you my Thomas that I am shooting for LV. Great meeting every one, worth the 5,000 + miles by itself. Truck all packed.
We should have a SUMO group picture.

They make weight and as far as I know there are wood, laminate, fiberglass and carbon fiber along with aluminum that I have seen shooting so far in matches. The forearm is 3" wide which is standard so I will think they should be OK but now you make me worry. Do you know something I don't?
They make weight and as far as I know there are wood, laminate, fiberglass and carbon fiber along with aluminum that I have seen shooting so far in matches. The forearm is 3" wide which is standard so I will think they should be OK but now you make me worry. Do you know something I don't?

Read the WRABF Rulebook, appendix F, Stock Clarification.
Appendix f

are you referring to the width of the bottom of the butt ?


Stocks Clarification International Sporter Class.
The action may be glued into the stock. Stock must be 57.15 mm (2.25") or under at its widest point. No stock tape allowed.
For-end and butt of stock that comes in contact with front and rear
sandbags can be flat OR convex.
10.5lb Light Varmint and Heavy Varmint Weight Classes (Including Air Rifles), the forearm of stock must be either convex or flat, maximum 76.2mm (3") or under at its widest point, this can be a specialist stock or via a flat plate attached to the bottom of the stock, any material can be used. The bottom of the butt of the stock that comes in contact with rear sandbag must be either convex or flat. If flat the bottom of the butt of stock must be 25mm (0.98") or under in width.
Yes, the width and shape. What are you using for rear bags?
Can't see clearly on the pictures but you need a trigger guard. Last year at the World Cup in Czech Republic competitors were disqualified for not having a trigger guard.

Yes, I am still working on the trigger gaurd. I was waiting for the grip to come in that I have a stock maker in Oregon making. It just came in the mail today. here it is, now I just need to fit it and make the trigger gaurds. And yes it does look like the HV gun has too wide of bottom rail on it. thanks for catching that. I am going to add some weight on it any way so I will remake that piece a little narrower and in aluminum along with the cheek and butt. I am about 3 lbs under.
I started to make a new bottom in aluminum and noticed the bottom that is on it does in fact meet the rules. I must have had that in mind when I made it. My bag is a bunny ear and the boat bottom fits nice. I will still remake it as I want to add weight.
Too windy to practice so I took everything apart and dropped the stocks off at the platers for a quick anodize. Hope to get some practice in on thursday or friday. Now I need to get the front rest top done. I have just been flopping the bag on top but I want it too rotate. If there is time I will also install the ball screw for the Left-right travel. The old brass one is a little worn out. No sleep tonight!

Wish I was going to be there so we could meet. But, then again, it's just too far for these old bones to travel as it would require 3 1/2 to 4 very long days of driving each way.

Can't wait to see how you do with your super guns.

Good luck with everything, and I'm sure you'll do great.

Dave Shattuck
Just a little Wind

Todd Banks driving across the country reports winds so strong 3 trucks have been blown over so far, get ready to aim for the target 2 lanes up from yours guys, this is going to be very interesting if the winds keep up.
The forecast predicts winds from 5-10 mph for Friday and Saturday.....Then 10-20 on Sunday. Sunny with temps in the 92-99 range. It looks to be 20-30 mph winds today and tomorrow.

Chip, I've been working extended hours the last few days as well. No fun, eh? My wife and I decided to make the trip at the last minute. Look forward to meeting you.

Boy Michael, I sure do hope you've already gotten your ticket punched, or at least cleared the last minute trip with the powers that be. The way I understood it was that you had to commit and pre-pay by April 15th with no last minute decisions being accepted, but I could be wrong. And, of course, rules are rules, but can always be changed.

I wish everybody fair weather, bearable temperatures, light breezes, and every shot being an "X".

Dave Shattuck
Dave.....We're just going down to see the sights. I know I missed the deadline.

I have actually never seen another PCP in person before. I'm looking forward to all the cool stuff, and getting to meet all of the people I have been talking with.

It will be good for my wife and I to get away, too. She is actually excited about the whole thing. It's about 500 miles for us.

I am honestly going for meeting everyone. I dont have any expectations, Its Wedsday and I dont have my parts from the platers yet. They should be done later today. That gives me time to finish the front rest top plate. So if I get the guns together tonight I should get some practice in on thursday morning before leaving. And we have a high wind advisory so it should be good practice for the real deal at the match. I can't wait. I hope we all have name tags cause I have no idea what most of you guys look like!
I hope we all have name tags cause I have no idea what most of you guys look like!

Chip, I’m going to try and help you out. This is Paul Bendix, you’ll know him as soon as you see him, still has a smile from ear to ear :D

