Allen Arnette Wins Manatee 2 Gun!

Andy Shifflett

New member
Dont have many details but this is what i know:

Allen Arnette 1st
George Kelbly 2nd

I think they each won a grand.

Sorry but this is all i got.

Jim I am sorry I can't add much detail at this point. At the awards ceremony I was busy with Art handling the cash option payments so I did not hear who did what and since I shot so badly that afternoon I wasn't about to go look at the final listings. I can say that Hobie Bond shot real well as did David Reynolds along with Alan and George. Yesterday was as bad of conditions as I have ever shot in, the wind was 15 to 20 mph from the northeast boiling over the berm and through the cut switching so fast from 12 to 3 o'clock it was almost laughable. There were many 1 inch plus groups shot, it was really amazing to see how far a bullet would fly out of the group if you got caught in the switches or gusts. Ask anyone who was there, even the winners, and they will tell you it was no fun just extremely challenging. My congradulations to those that shot well.
To show the difference a day makes, on Saturday 3 ranges records were shot!
I am sure that someone tonight will post complete details.
Congrats Allen.

Good job George, too.

Wish I was there. We had zero degrees and minus 20 wind chill on Sunday here in Michigan. (I didn't check the density altitude.)
Great shooting AA, George, Hobie and David.

Allen - three years in a row now winning the 2-gun? They might as well they ship the trophy to Virginia in advance. :D
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Congratulations to All

While we are all arguing about how many angels can stand on the head of a pin, you guys are out doing what needs to be done. Shooting winning aggs. Congratulations to Allen and the rest who shot well........jackie

Congratulations to Allen and George. And to all the other competitors as well. I'm sure everyone did a "bang" up job.
To show how bad it was ...

on Sunday I was in 4th place in the 200 yard HV when out of nowhere I shot a 1.5" group and ended up very humbled:confused:. 2nd shot went 1.5 " to the left and then it was a matter of filling in the huge space with the last three shots! They don't call it the Winds of Manatee for nothing.

As an additional note, my buddy George Pariso came in 5th overall, and did really well.

Great match, great people.


Congrat To All Who Shot Well Or All Who Shot 10 Below Wind Chill 40 Below Could Only See 50. Ft. 8inches Of Snow Pile Up Of 69 Cars On Major Highway. Oil Pumped Well Does Not Freeze.bill Brawand