Agg, Aver


I have been looking, with interest, at the posted results of the various matches from around the US.
These posts indicate how well I’m doing compared to other shooters.
What I've noticed is that very often the posted Agg, the abbreviation of aggregate, is actually the calculated average.
I’m wondering if there is a reason for this?

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Two words used to mean the same thing.

I have been looking, with interest, at the posted results of the various matches from around the US.
These posts indicate how well I’m doing compared to other shooters.
What I've noticed is that very often the posted Agg, the abbreviation of aggregate, is actually the calculated average.
I’m wondering if there is a reason for this?

Depends on the way the sanctioning body scoring is set up. For instance ARA is an average.
From the rule books:
14.6. If an event is stated to be a four-target event, then each competitor is expected to complete all four
targets. Should a competitor, for any reason, fail to complete all targets on the schedule, a zero must
be included in his or her score for each unshot target and the total of all those scores divided by the
total number of targets in the event, or in this example, four.
14.6.1. If a competitor completes targets one through three, but fails to complete target four,
calculations to determine his or her Aggregate score might look like this, with aggregates always
carried out to four decimal places:
1850 + 910 + 2125 + 0 = 5885 points,
5885 divided by 4 targets = 1471.2500 aggregate.

In IR50 an Aggregate is the total sum of the targets shot.
2-Gun Aggregate (only used in 3-Gun Matches)
Total of the scores for the 10.5 and 13.5 Classes
You also have 3gun, 4 gun, & 6Gun Aggs depending on what tournament you're shooting.

Keith, your explanation is quite informative, I use the same method when testing ammo.
Sometimes I will shoot four cards and sometime only three.
Using the average method works better.
Thanks to all for the input.
