ABRA National Tournament Labor Day Weekend 2018


Les Williams
Kettlefoot Gun Club, Bristol VA, will be hosting the Auto Benchrest Association, ABRA, National Tournament Labor Day weekend. A National Tournament Champion will be crowned for both adults and juniors in the unlimited and factory classes. ABRA’s goal is to make this one of the major 22LR bench rest events of the year with cash, minimum of $2000 to be paid out, prizes and a special Belt Buckle being design for the National Tournament winners. ABRA is diligently working with vendors to ensure that many prizes are available so no matter how well you shoot you still have a chance of taking home not only memories of a great time but merchandise too.

This is a great opportunity for those 22LR Semiauto rifle owners to give benchrest shooting a try, met some of the current top shooters in the ABRA ranks and learn how exciting and fun the sport can be.

Kettlefoot ABRA will be Hosting the VA State Tournament the same weekend with the schedule as follows.

Friday, August 31, 2018 - 12:00 PM - PRACTICE
Friday, August 31,2018 - 6:00 PM - 3 Card two person Team Money Match - Entrée Fee $30 per Team
Saturday, September 1, 2018 - 10:00 AM - VA STATE TOURNAMENT - Entrée Fee $30
Sunday, September 2, 2018 - 10:00 AM – NATIONALS TOURNAMENT - Entrée Fee $50

Kettle Foot Rod and Gun Club
21101 Kettle Foot Lane
Bristol VA 24201

I will be posting more information shortly, cost, local hotels and an attendees list.

Contact information can be found at the ABRA website.

Les Williams
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Updated Schdule with Fee's

Here's the updated event schedule with fee's for each event.

Friday, August 31, 2018 - 12:00 PM - PRACTICE
Friday, August 31,2018 - 6:00 PM - 3 Card two person Team Money Match - Entrée Fee $30 per Team
Saturday, September 1, 2018 - 10:00 AM - VA STATE TOURNAMENT - Entrée Fee $30
Sunday, September 2, 2018 - 10:00 AM – NATIONALS TOURNAMENT - Entrée Fee $50
ABRA Labor Day National Tournament Prize Money.

Target Money:
Unlimited class will pay out $55.00 for each target winner.
Factory class will pay out $35.00 for each target winner.

Tournament Placement:
ABRA 1st Place Unlimited National Championship Buckle plus $500.00
ABRA 2nd Place Unlimited National Champion Runner Up Buckle plus $300.00
ABRA 3rd Place Unlimited National Champion Buckle plus $200.00

ABRA 1st Place Factory National Championship Buckle plus $500.00
ABRA 2nd Place Factory National Champion Runner Up Buckle plus $300.00
ABRA 3rd Place Factory National Champion Buckle plus $200.00

ABRA Junior 1st Place Unlimited National Championship Buckle
ABRA Junior 2nd Place Unlimited Runner Up Plaque
ABRA Junior 3rd Place Unlimited Plaque

ABRA Junior 1st Place Factory National Championship Buckle
ABRA Junior 2nd Place Factory Runner Up Plague
ABRA Junior 3rd Place Factory Plaque

There also will be many prizes given out.

Les Williams
Prize List

Here the current prize list that has been donated by companies and individuals.

Target Sponsors
Les Williams
Allen Taylor
Gallos Plumbing Services San Antonio, TX.
Elbert County Gun Club. Georgia

Prize Sponsors & Donated items
Shilen Gun Barrels
Douglas Gun Barrels
Muller Works 22LR Barrel
ABRA Stocks
Protektor Shooting Bags
ABRA Rear Mechanical Rest
SightronUSA Rifle Scopes Model#25138 SIIISS1050X60LRTD
J N L's PRX III Tuners
JWH Custom ABRA 2018 Bolts
Chacon Customs
D'Spain Sales and Service, Bandera TX.
Ruger 10/22 Take Down Rifle
Mark Demarest (North Texas Reconstruction) Cash Donation, 2 sets of Custom MD windflags
Jerry Smith - Cash Donation

If anyone would like to donate and/or knows of a company that may, please feel free to throw in the help. We want to make this an event that everyone will first have a good time and second everyone takes something home as a memory.

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ABRA National Tournament Labor Day Weekend 2018 SHOOTERS LIST

ABRA National Tournament Labor Day Weekend 2018
(1) Tony Purdy
(2) Les W.
(3) Allen Taylor
(4) Brian Collins
(5) Gracie Collins (jr)
(6) Mark Ludington
(7) Jim Haley -Pd
(8) Wade Haley-Pd
(9) Rick Haley-Pd
(10) Harold Reynolds-Pd
(11) Benji Matoy
(12) Shelby Matoy (jr)
(13) Samantha Peterson (jr)
(14) Steve DuVall-Pd
(15) Tom Tignor
(16) Wayne Earl Wills
(17) David Huff
(18) Ken Hahn
(19) Rich Schilz
(20) Cecil Douglas
(21) Eddie Robertson
(22) Jerry Smith
(23) Tao Irtz
(24) Art Shaffer
(25) James Carroll
(26) Rebecca Carroll
(27) Danny Sissom
(28) Mathew Tignor
(29) Ron Herring
(30) Roy Allen
(31) Dave Tomlinson
(32) Doug Gates
(33) Pam Gates
(34)Dale Cook
(35) Mark Demarest
(36) Brian Vincent
(37) Travis Davis
(38) Lexi Davis (youth)

If you plan to go please give us a call or send us a message and we will ad you to the list you dont have to be a member of ABRA to participate yall come on !!!!
Joe and Lisa Chacon
Auto Bench Rest Association
505 Redwing Dr.
Bandera, Texas 78003
830-796-0815 or 830-688-0147
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Format of the ABRA National

This will be the schedule format of the ABRA National Event:
Each class will shoot 6 cards per person. If shooting both classes that is a total of 12 cards.
There will be 3 sets, with each set consisting of 3 relays and each relay being 2 cards.
This is being done to accommodate those that want to shoot both classes and not turn it into a marathon where they have to shoot 12 straight cards.
Each group of shooters assigned to a bench will be referred to as a squad.
A squad can consist of 2-3 shooters.
Those squads with shooters only shooting one class can consist of 2 or 3 shooters and each will shoot one 2 card relay per set.
Those shooting 2 classes will be teamed with a shooter who is only shooting one class.
The 2 class shooter will shoot their unlimited in one relay then their factory in another relay within that set.
e.g. Set 1 – The shooter shooting 2 classes shoots their factory gun for 2 cards relay 1. The other squad member shoots their class for the 2nd relay. The 2 class shooter then shoots the unlimited class for the 3rd relay.
Which relay a squad member shoots within a set will be determined by the squad members.

Once the set has been complete each squad will rotate 5 benches in order to start their second set of cards. After second set of cards have been completed in the same rotation fashion each squad will move down 5 benches to complete their third set of cards.
We will allow approximately 10 minutes between cards and relays and 20 minutes between each set to move wind indicator devices, flags and probes, thus giving everyone plenty of time to setup and be ready for the next relay or set.
If you choose to shoot both Unlimited and Factory Class there will be an additional cost of $30.00 for the 2nd gun, (class) total fees for competitors choosing to shoot both classes will be $80.00.
Please let us know ahead of time if you are going to shoot both classes, you can contact us by email, or phone with that information. We Will need this information no later than August 15, 2018 along with your registration form and fees. To be mailed to the ABRA office.

Bench assignments will be pulled randomly from a hat prior to everyone showing up.
Squads – if you have already found a partner or partners to complete your squad of 2 or 3 please let us know ahead of time. We will match squads together randomly if you don’t already have a squad.
Saturday evening after the VA ABRA State Tournament your assignments will be handed to you.
Awards and door prizes will be presented after the it is all said and done. You must be present to win the door prizes.

Look forward to seeing everyone there.
Prize List Keeps Growing.

Just updated the prize list adding Muller Barrel Works. Some lucky person will be taking home a new Muller 22LR barrel.
The prize list is growing along with target sponsors. Looking good!

Area Hotels for the ABRA Labor Day Tournament

Kettlefoot ABRA National Tournament, Labor Day Weekend
Hotels Bristol TN.
Located off of IH81

Marriott Courtyard Inn (Please click on link provided below to reserve rooms)
Exit 7
Start date: 8/31/18
End date: 9/2/18
Last day to book: 8/17/18
Courtyard Bristol for 95.00 + Tax per night
Reservations must be made online. E-mail me for the link and I will send it to you.

Holiday Inn
Exit 7
Ask for Kettlefoot ABRA Discount Price will be $79.00 + Tax
Last date to make a reservation at the guaranteed rate, August 15, 2018

Quality Inn
Exit 7
$74.99 Kettlefoot Discount

Comfort Inn
Exit 5
Ask for Kettlefoot Special Rate 93.00 + Tax

Motel 6
Exit 7

Knights Inn
Exit 1

Red Roof Inn
2139 Lee Hwy
Bristol VA 24201
Exit 5

There is camping at the range please get a hold of Wayne Wills to reserve a spot.

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Updated Prize List

Updated the prize list, received a Sightron Scope Model # 25138 to give away. Appreciate the support from Sightron Inc.
Jerry Smith out of Minden LA. donated a very nice $$$ amount to the prize money to be awarded. Thank You Jerry.

Get those 22LR semiauto's out of the closet and make it to Kettlefoot for the Labor Day National Tournament. Great prizes to be given away and a lot of cash to be awarded.

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Just 3 more months before the ABRA Nationals so mark your calendars. Prizes and Money to hand out so get those semi auto 22LR’s out and come on out and have some fun.

Well Summer is here and everyone is making vacation plans, hot weather projects, if there is such a thing, but it's getting closer to the ABRA Nationals Labor Weekend Tournament. Mark your calendars for it will be a great opportunity to win some $$$ and/or prizes to be handed out. See you there come Labor Day weekend.


Labor Day is just around the corner, well a little over 2 months. Mark those calendars to be at Kettlefoot for the ABRA Nationals.

Well it’s getting close to Labor Day weekend and the ABRA Nationals. All the regulars already have their calendars marked, but those who live within a few hours drive of Kettlefoot range need to get those semi auto 22LR out of the closet and make it to a great weekend of fun and games shooting those dots out on paper. There’s plenty of prizes that will be given away so come on out and join the fun.

Les Williams
Here the current prize list that has been donated by companies and individuals.

Target Sponsors
Les Williams
Allen Taylor
Gallos Plumbing Services San Antonio, TX.
Elbert County Gun Club. Georgia

Prize Sponsors & Donated items
Shilen Gun Barrels
Douglas Gun Barrels
Muller Works 22LR Barrel
ABRA Stocks
Protektor Shooting Bags
ABRA Rear Mechanical Rest
SightronUSA Rifle Scopes Model#25138 SIIISS1050X60LRTD
J N L's PRX III Tuners
JWH Custom ABRA 2018 Bolts
Chacon Customs
D'Spain Sales and Service, Bandera TX.
Ruger 10/22 Take Down Rifle
Mark Demarest (North Texas Reconstruction) Cash Donation, 2 sets of Custom MD windflags
Jerry Smith - Cash Donation

If anyone would like to donate and/or knows of a company that may, please feel free to throw in the help. We want to make this an event that everyone will first have a good time and second everyone takes something home as a memory.


Updated Prize list 8/15/2018
Count Down Begins

ABRA National Tournament:
The Count Down Begins!
We are 18 days away from our First National Tournament.
We will be counting down each day between now and September the 2nd with pictures of prizes that have been donated or purchased for the Auto Bench Rest Association National Tournament.
Today's highlight is 1st Place Prize for the Youth Unlimited Class:
Sponsors for these items are;
Les Williams, Allen R. Taylor Mark Demarest and JWH Custom Bolts
Stay tuned to this post as we count down.​

ABRA National Buckles

17 Days until the ABRA Nationals Tournament!

Today's Highlight is the ABRA National Championship Buckles.
They are polished up and ready to go.
Sponsor's for these items:
Auto Bench Rest Association and Chacon Customs.


ABRA National Count Down!

Tonight's Highlighted Item

Sightron S111SS 10X50X60 Scope.

I don't think you need glasses to see out of this one.

Sponsor for this great prize.


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Ruger Take Down

ABRA National Tournament September 2, 2018
Today's Highlight:
Ruger Take Down with case
Curtesy of Danny Grammer.
Great starter rifle for Factory class:

Auto Bench Rest Association.
National Tournament 2018.
Today's Prize Highlight will be for a Factory Class Shooter.
Donated by Protektor Modell
This is a great set for any lucky winner!


Only 11 More days until the ABRA National Tournament.

Tonight's Highlighted Prize is Center X and SK Rifle Match.

Sponsor of these prizes Lapua and Adam Braverman.

Thank you!
