Abbreviated Northeast Regional results


New member
I sat down tonight to type up a detailed match report complete with pictures, only to have my laptop decide not to boot up. I'm posting this from my phone, a tedious process, so I'll give the top three shooters in each class tonight and do the detailed results asap.

Frank Mendola, Thomas BR- 248-9X, 239-7X, 242-5X= 729-21X
Todd Banks, RAW TM-1000- 242-10X, 245-6X, 241-5X=728-21X
Mark Marini, Thomas BR- 230-1x, 244-9x, 243-7x= 717-17x
Mark was shooting his first outdoor match and shot extremely well all weekend.

Todd Banks, RAW TM-1000X- 249-14x, 246-10x, 248-13x= 743-37x
Paul Bendix, Thomas BR- 247-11, 248-15x, 246-17x= 741-43x
John French, AA 500 FT- 244-10X, 248-7X, 248-7X= 740-24X

OPEN 25m
Paul Bendix, Sumo- 246-12x, 249-16x, 250-12x
Mark Marini, Thomas BR- 248-11x, 249-12x, 247-12x=744-35x (did I mention this was Mark's first outdoor event?)
Todd Banks, RAW TM-1000X- 247-11x, 248-7x, 247-14x= 742-30x

OPEN 50 yard
Paul Bendix, Sumo-232-2x, 236-8x, 241-7x=709-17x
Todd Banks, TM-1000x- 227-4x, 233-3x, 238-10x=698-17x
Mark Marini, Thomas BR- 222-4x, 230-5x, 231-1x=683-10x

Two Man LV/HV Team Challenge (was supposed to be three man at Team Philippines request but without them we didn't have enough shooters.)

Team Holbrook, Paul and Mark- 2902
Team Rimfire HOF, Todd and Steve Brookhouse- 2899
Team John, John French and John Eroh, both shooting AA 500 FT rifles- 2838

4 Class Grand Aggregate
Todd Banks- 2911
Paul Bendix- 2901
Mark Marini- 2882

A big thanks to our scoring crew, Salem's Rimfire BR match director Pete Roberson and Team USA 2011 member Rick Ingraham and to John French who contacted Pyramyd Air and convinced them to send us a pile of goody bags for all shooters and a Gamo Raptor .22 rifle and a sleeve of pellets to give away. Art Binley won the rifle and Rick won the pellets.

More details and pics to follow when the laptop decides to cooperate.
It is, Dick. Thanks for the reminder! Truth be told, I rarely read the forums anymore, usually just visit to post match announcements and results, and had forgotten to finish the match results. I'll try to get it done tomorrow evening.
I am still interested Todd and have checked in a couple of times.
I realize and appreciate that it takes time and some still have to earn a living.... Best regards, Harry.
Thanks for posting the link to the results Steve! Since that's covered, I'll do a narative and some pics.

Almost all of the shooters that planned to shoot the match arrived at the range on Friday for an afternoon of practice and getting aquainted. Conditions on Friday were pretty much the same as Saturday, temps in the mid 80's and the usual for our club, unpredictable breezes. Here are some pics from Friday.
Some of the gang, shooting the breeze
Steve Brookhouse, HOF Rimfire shooter practicing with my Dawson Custom HV gun
Art Binley with his HM-1000 Open Class rifle
Steve and Frank Mendola kept me company until after midnight on Fri, sorting pellets for Steve and I.

Shooters started arriving at the range for registration, bench draw and rifle certification at around 7am on Sat. Frank from Florida needed to borrow a jacket in the morning as temps were in the low 60's when we arrived, quickly rising into the high 70's at the start of the match and well into the 80's as the day progressed. As usual, winds were calm in the AM, kicking up about 5 minutes before we started LV class. Frank Mendola took LV class with his Thomas BR.

We broke for a lunch of burgers on the grill and some tasty salads that John French made, then rotated benches and got started with Open Class. Paul Bendix broke out his monster 30+fpe Sumo and was able to hold off Mark Marini who shot his HV Thomas without any adjustments.

I can only attach 6 pics per post and I've got lots more, so I'll start another post.
Match pics, continued

After the Open class match concluded and awards where given out we fired up the grill again for a chicken dinner and more salads.
Rick Ingraham, Team USA 2011 and Paul, Team USA 2011 and 2015

Here are a few pics of the Salem Pistol and Rifle Club range

Sunday morning dawned wet and stayed that way all day, with almost no wind. I saw something I've never seen before. I was watching Steve Brookhouse shoot and actually saw a pellet hit a raindrop about halfway to the targets. Steve and I are good friends and shot side by side all weekend, so I asked him where that pellet hit. He looked at me and said "It wasn't a 10!"
Getting ready in the rain
Room for one more pic on this post so I'll start some shooter and equipment pics. You've seen Steve and Art already.
Mark Marini, shooting his first outdoor match with his Thomas BR, and taking home a few trophies!

More to follow...
More Pics

John Eroh, primarily a FT shooter but joins us occasionally for BR matches with his AA 500
John French with his AA 500 who took third in HV with it!
Frank Mendola traveled over 1200 miles to join us with his Thomas BR
Me with my TM-1000X
The whole crew, including our scorers, Pete Roberson and Rick Ingraham
Pyramyd Air donated goody bags for every shooter plus a Gamo Raptor .22 and a sleeve of H&N Barracuda's to go with it. We were going to give them away as a set and Rick won the draw. He's got more air rifles than anyone I know so he took the pellets and told us to draw again for the rifle. Art was next up and the Raptor will go to his grandchildren. Many Thanks to Pyramyd Air for the generous donations!!!

Getting late, so that's all for now!
Thanks Todd,

I was hoping to be there, but couldn't. I appreciate your posting the report and pics very much.

Thank you Todd (and Steve W.).
The competition was strong even though the turnout was relatively small; some great scores in the challenging conditions. Good to see Frank wet his feet with a fine effort in the LV.
Best regards, Harry.
Thank you for holding the match Todd, I had a great time. It sure was fun shooting my first outdoor BR match, specially the 50yd portion on Sunday. Boy was that an eye opener to what light winds and rain can do to an 8.4gr pellet moving at 770fps or so. I won't be able to make your match on the 21st but will see you September 3rd for the FT match. John

Edited to taunt Mr. French. My stock is prettier than yours :p
Thanks Todd

My first match and I wonder how it could have gone any better?
Great group, extremely helpful with my first match.
Todd was fantastic with everything.
I forgot my flag uprights. I had 3 offers to borrow flags.
Paul Bendix had extras but offered anything he brought.
Do they come any better? Thanks Paul
Everyone was great with guidance and support.
I have to mention Dave Shattuck and Mike Niksch for all
their guidance the last few months prepping for this event.
I fully expect to get the cold shoulder at the next event after shooting
so well. As it should be. I'm on my own now.

Thanks Todd for a lasting memory!

No cold shoulders at Salem, Mark. Had I realized you were without your flags (Worst part of running a match is missing out on the what's going on behind the scenes!) I'd have lent you the two that sat in my box unused all weekend! Glad you shoot so well and enjoyed the weekend, and you're always welcome here!
A Big Thank you to Todd! For his hospitality and first rate event !

Thank you Todd (and Steve W.).
The competition was strong even though the turnout was relatively small; some great scores in the challenging conditions. Good to see Frank wet his feet with a fine effort in the LV.
Best regards, Harry.

Thanks Harry! And I literally did get wet! ?-- was slightly bummed out on Sunday's shoot to have my pellet get struck by a rain drop and land in a score box?_-but such is the Game--
I didn't realize this post was here. Hadn't checked this site in awhile.
I want to thank Todd for putting on a first Rate event and to all the support staff that helped with scoring and set up.
It was Great meeting so many people that I have known only through forums -
Like Paul Bendix- and John Eroh -Mark and the rest of the shooters ----
Great eats -- just an all around good time!
I would love to do it again- only next time I think I'll fly?
Too old for them long drives !
Take care