A thank you from Cactus match Director Matt Schwartzkopf

Today I'm working on the Cactus Shoot report. I called Matt to ask for some additional data.
Matt emailed me this so I thought I'd pass it along. You can't run a match this size alone; he had help. I'd like to add there were those that contributed in small but helpful ways; thanks.

From Matt:

Thank you to Lester Bruno with Bruno's Shooting Supply, Pat Reagin with PMA Tools, and Lou and Connie Murdica who all sponsored bonus matches.

Joe Pipola for running the line during the practices.

Lou Murdica for supporting the club, providing valuable advice, and helping with multiple tasks for the match (ie working with the tent people, coordinating campers and reloading trailers)

Michelle Gallagher for not only measuring targets, but also working lots of hours leading up to the match getting sponsors, updating the website, and various other tasks in planning the match.

Capstone (Berger) for sponsoring the match and providing the shirts, patches, programs, banquet meal, tents, tables, and port-a-potties.

Susan Schwartzkopf for working during the practice registering shooters and setting up the banquet.

Ryan Neal for helping clean up after the match and setting up the banquet.

Numerous local benchrest shooters for rebuilding all of the target frames (I would forget someone if I tried to mention everyone)

Gary Ocock for completing the equipment list, writing the match report, and providing valuable advice in the planning of the match and during.

The Wickenburg High School Rifle Team for being the target crew. They did an amazing job and are the fastest target crew that I have seen.

Sophia Marquardt and Kaycie Blankenship for helping in the stat office.

Bob Brackney for providing $250 to the shooter that placed 21st in the 2 Gun, which was junior shooter Tony Debacco.

Thanks to all of the sponsors for making the event a success.

Thank you to all that had a hand in making the shoot as good as it is. Will continue to make the 3100 mile round trip an annual trip !!!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that made the Cactus possible , always a great shoot and well worth the 24 hour drive , looking forward to coming down in October to do it again .
Hugh Williamson