A Blast From The Past.....45 years Ago!

jackie schmidt

New member
My wife was cleaning out some old box’s in the attic and found a box full of my old Boat Racing Trophies.

Most are all broke apart, except one I was particularilly proud of.

Every year the Louisiana Power Boat Association had a big Regatta on Lake Palourd just north of Morgan City.

You can see the writing on the plate. This was the final big race of the week end, where the top three finishers in all 4 inboard classes ran together, heads up.

I won it.

Long Ago, In A Galaxy Far Away.




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Great job Jackie. Brings back memories from running my Mercury powered hydroplane in the bay of Biloxi, Ms. as a kid. Drove my mother crazy. I was too young to enter any races at the time. Probably saved my life.
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Congrats Champ

My wife was cleaning out some old box’s in the attic and found a box full of my old Boat Racing Trophies.

Most are all broke apart, except one I was particularilly proud of.

Every year the Louisiana Power Boat Association had a big Regatta on Lake Palourd just north of Morgan City.

You can see the writing on the plate. This was the final big race of the week end, where the top three finishers in all 4 inboard classes ran together, heads up.

I won it.

Long Ago, In A Galaxy Far Away.



Jackie has excelled in all the sports he's tried due hard work and talent.... Racing boats, drag nitro bikes and of coarse Benchrest with a capital B... and he's also a great friend and mentor... :cool::cool::cool:
Jackie has excelled in all the sports he's tried due hard work and talent.... Racing boats, drag nitro bikes and of coarse Benchrest with a capital B... and he's also a great friend and mentor... :cool::cool::cool:

Vic, the first and last one, yes, I have enjoyed a certain amount of success.

But the Drag Bike. That did not end well:p
I sniffed over a professionally built drag bike at the Harley Davidson dealer many moons ago...I really wanted that thing! Then one day I asked about it and the salesman said "That's whatshisname's dragster...I'll go get him". The fellow came out on wheels (special wheels) and marginally made it to the showroom. It appeared that he would never walk again but that seemed the least of his problems. He immediately stated that the cause of what I saw was that "DAM DRAG BIKE" and warned me not to buy it. To say a picture is worth a thousand words would be an understatement here so I thanked him and left...never to think the same about drag bikes again...

Nice drag bike though!!
Its a bird, Its a plane. No. Its Jackie!

I remember Jackie telling the story of departing from his drag bike near the end of the 1/4 mile. They clocked his body at 90+ mph going through the finish line. How he did that and still maintained his Adonis-like good looks is a miracle. Tim
I live up the road from M.C. in Lafayette. A good friend of the family raced boats back in the late 60's and into the '70's. His Name was Rodney DeRouen. He led me down the slippery slope of handloading for precision hunting/paper punching rounds way back when. Ultimately it culminated in being a full out F-class junkie today.