a 40x b/hognisto steal



anyone spot the hognisto 40x b/r man i wish i had some extra cash what a bargain from one of the top builders bar none.

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$1500 for a trued 40X with a broughton barrel and MCM stock? Someone got it... ya know I wish I had that kind of cash lying around too.
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Due to complaints I have removed the caustic remarks... you have 9 posts in total, all contributing nothing. Did you join just to be offensive?
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It was/is a shooter too.

I know for a fact that rifle was a shooter too.
The person who bought it should be happy.

horse head or horse behinds

as noted the ones that know what the hell is going on recognise what a value this is.

so as per don stith i bouth the pappas rest for 600 bux now i have to sell my winchester 52 sporter to make some money for this outlay.

don you better watch out im going to be after you.

thanks for the tip a tigthwd saved 75.00. now to get some dollar a box eley ammo!

the rifle

charlie you seem to know just what you are talking about i wish i didnt have 4 b/r rifles now! but i just cant haul in anoher one and not get shot myself but my mouth is watering i can tell you that.

best regards

rest and hognisto

the hognisto 40x is gone i bought the pappas rest for 600.00 plus ups from jodi read what a day.

Yeah, seriously.............

What did you do to this doofus?
Obviously his er, its, only purpose is to follow you around.
Husband of a mistress?
You made more money than he did?
Ex Employee you fired?
Must be someone you know.

Well, it looks like Dennis knows how to take care of the problem..:D
Personally, I would just ban him from the website, but it is not my website..


i have no clue i just dont get it but if he persits im sure wilber will take care of it. it is his board isnt it?

now ive lost 100.00 on my pappas rest i wont be able to sleep tonight.. allan had his listed for that but i paid 600 for one in new condition and knowing who i bought it from it will be mint and i will treat it the same way. should alwass be worth 600.00 dont you think.

i should have bought alans rife i just didnt read what he had what a bargain and i hear that is a proven winning rifle too. i could have taken the trigger off no i wouldnt do that to anyone. thats low isnt it.

i have got a jewell trigger coming from grafs tues they had just what i needed.

thanks for your kind words charlie

best regards

mr stith

i got an email from don wondering if i had lost my mind. he pointed me to the 500.00 one and i missed it.

Well that will give you a little buyers remorse that you didn't get the BEST deal...BUT if it helps....I happened to talk to Pappas this afternoon on the phone and he said the one you did buy he knows and it should be near show room perfect.

I was teaching my bud how to reload yesterday and we took a break
to surf a little and I've been after him to get a proper target rifle so
we were in the classifieds and saw it.
Told him that it was a steal and should be all over it - scrolled the next
pages as I was tellin him it wouldn't last the day - went back to the first
page and it was sold - all I said was told ya so.
Stuff like that always pops right after I lay my jack on something else.
Timing is everything.
my rest


thanks a lot for the info the guy i bought it from a real gentlemen. we should both be happy now to get my noodle! but as fred says i need to practice a little. so i guess i d better get busy.



thanks a lot for the info the guy i bought it from a real gentlemen. we should both be happy now to get my noodle! but as fred says i need to practice a little. so i guess i d better get busy.


Bob, do you want to buy the extended warranty for that rest? It is $100.00 cash or just $5.00 a week for a year. Let me know by tomorrow or I will have someone call you 3 times a week to let you know your warranty is about to expire.
now the rest


thanks for your vour interest in my welfare regarding my pappas rest. as i look at that tank and the many many comments i have read regarding the quality of mr. pappas s work i think i will pass on your kind offer of the extended warrenty.

most of all i have faith in the guy that built this rest and his reputation to stand behind his work no matter what. i know i have purchased a nice quality piece of equipment in my quest to shoot better.

now to folow fred and mr. stiths advice i may make some progress with this latest addtion to my equipment list.

thanks for the very kind offer

your friend
