9/11 official story

Bigger than the JFK shooting? Bigger than the moon-landing story? :)

Much much bigger!

Id start with Larry Silverstein who had, shortly before 9/11, bought the WTC complex for a few hundred million and insured it for several BILLION.

Silverstein, who had stated on ABC, WE decided to PULL Building 7 TOO. Remember Building 7 was a few blocks away.

Remember too ALL the WTC structural steel was carted off to Communist China in less than 3 months.

And then there was the several BILLION in gold that got gone from the basement vault.....

I guess the Pentagon was just a diversion. Jerry you must have bought the Walmart out of aluminum foil last week. I’m sure they are watching you!!
Who let papaw near the computer again???
The gold was a myth( my firm had 20 floors in north tower), ALL the steel did not leave the US, a hell of a lot of it is all over the USA as memorials.
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A covert act from a competent organization to individually "CAP" all involved would be appropriate before the legalized crooks take it to their graves.
The real truth

You guys have it all wrong. That act was the result of climate change which was the fault of Bush and now Trump with Putin's help. Tim
Asa are you in all that three digit heat?
Not sure what you mean, Jerry. This weekend was supposed to be in the 90s, but the smoke from the nearby fires has reduced the sunlight reaching the ground. (And turned the skies orange on two of the last three days - Saturday was grey and semi-overcast.) Local temperatures are now expected to be in the 60s or 70s for the next few days. Rain is forecast for Monday and Tuesday, which should help with fighting the fires. (Hoping rain is steady sprinkles - lightning is BAD.)

At present, one of the 1000 yard ranges (about 20 miles away) is closed due to fires and a mandatory evacuation order. Suspect a 100 yard range near that one (about 2 miles Southeast) is in the same condition. Am unsure about damage to either facility, as the roads to those facilities are currently restricted to evacuees (leaving the area) and firefighting crews. Closest fire in my county (Tualatin is in the Southeast corner) has been contained, with only a small area remaining "off limits" as of 4 pm on Thursday. (See https://tvfr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1981954eb1814f9ea896ab7a0eb4f784.)
It's a mess right now - hope it doesn't rain like crazy this winter. (Read - MUDSLIDES! :eek: )
Not sure what you mean, Jerry. This weekend was supposed to be in the 90s, but the smoke from the nearby fires has reduced the sunlight reaching the ground. (And turned the skies orange on two of the last three days

At present, one of the 1000 yard ranges (about 20 miles away) is closed...........

It's a mess right now - hope it doesn't rain like crazy this winter. (Read - MUDSLIDES! :eek: )

Just to the South of you in Kaliforny, the reported temps has been over 100F (123F in one place).

As a postscript the weekend WSJ had a major article on the burgeoning 9/11 conspiracy theory industry.....well worth a read.
It is amazing people let the media form opinions for themselves. Not just this subject, but the same thing is going on about all the riots, most media outlets say everything is peaceful.
but its true. you can even see the bon fires they start to keep themselves warm.
It is amazing people let the media form opinions for themselves. Not just this subject, but the same thing is going on about all the riots, most media outlets say everything is peaceful.