6PPC case forming process


since you're blowing them out with pistol powder anyways....... try skipping the "expanding up" step. Blow 'em up. Take notes both ways.

For your back, get a better bed. Or shim the one you've got with towels..... :)


Al, I was thinking that I might get better expansion if the neck diameter was closer to the chamber neck diameter. However, that's a good suggestion to try both ways. The main reason I want to try it this way is to have the neck junction in place for the neck turning. Fortunately I stockpiled a good supply of Lapua .220 brass over the years before the price took a space shuttle trajectory. So I can be a little loose in trying some things.

I've been thinking about getting a Tempurpedic or sleep number mattress. Haven't had a positive response from my doctor that a mattress would solve the problem. I did have an X-ray where the diagnosis was "severe degenerative arthritis in lower back" I don't feel the pain in my lower back so much as I do deep in my buttocks on both sides when I'm trying to walk. It's a hot burning pain that's almost unbearable. It will literally stop me in my tracks. Oh well, getting old ain't for sissies. :)
The Bat firing pin removal tool arrived and I easily removed the firing pin. I think I'm going to try the "expand then fire with pistol powder and wax" method first. I'm going to do a few and see what the results are, measuring and documenting as I go. ....... Anyway, one of the shooting clubs I belong to is set up so you can back up close to the benches. I'll go there to do the fire forming.

Jerry Adams
If you are going to make cases using different methods I suggest you do about 15 (a batch lot) by each method. Why? The end result of each batch will be different. The differences may be minor, like different OAL's from barch to batch, but different non the less, and remember, this is benchrest where we want each lot of cases exactly the same.
Good thought Jerry

15 pieces is probably a minimal sample size to have any statistical significance anyway. I had a nice little vest pocket handbook on SPC. I'll have to see if I can dig it up from wherever it's hiding. Over the years I've had it in my hands a number while cleaning up and could never go through with throwing it out. Guess that"s why I have so much STUFF.
Al, I was thinking that I might get better expansion if the neck diameter was closer to the chamber neck diameter. However, that's a good suggestion to try both ways. The main reason I want to try it this way is to have the neck junction in place for the neck turning. Fortunately I stockpiled a good supply of Lapua .220 brass over the years before the price took a space shuttle trajectory. So I can be a little loose in trying some things.

I've been thinking about getting a Tempurpedic or sleep number mattress. Haven't had a positive response from my doctor that a mattress would solve the problem. I did have an X-ray where the diagnosis was "severe degenerative arthritis in lower back" I don't feel the pain in my lower back so much as I do deep in my buttocks on both sides when I'm trying to walk. It's a hot burning pain that's almost unbearable. It will literally stop me in my tracks. Oh well, getting old ain't for sissies. :)

OK, there's no way to say this without calling your doctor(s) and idiot....... so I'll just say it. That "deep burning pain across the top of your butt" and those streaks of fire and numbness running down the outside of your legs are all triggered by inflammation of the muscles around your L-5 disc. All it is is Charley Horses in your back muscles....nothing permanent.

I spent 6 yrs with this mess. I truly thyought I was going to have to change careers, get off my feet. I went to doctors, chiropractors and quacks of all sorts. My friends and peers were pretty much all suffering with me through this time. Those with insurance were getting cut and fused and micro-surgeried right and left, those of us who din't were just looking for answers. I'm thinking a pool if 15-18guys?? Round numbers......I'm deadly serious, fix your bed. I bought 5 new beds in one year, learned to wear coveralls and sweats and keep my lower back warm...

and right now today I'm not even WORRIED about my back. I carry enormous loads of rebar over my head down muddy banks. I twist and turn and slip, sometimes I fall over. I pack lumber. I carry heavy tools in front of me. Today I stood over the lathe for 7 hours.... and I can pee standing up, and I can brush my teeth in the morning and I can rerach down and pick up my pen when I drop it.

FIX your bed. The first morning you wake up pain-free, LEAP out of bed and scamper over to the sink is like the dawn of a new era.......


BTW I completely agree with Jerry. I never mix brass from different fireform days let alone methods.
As a newbie to the forum here's my process for forming ppc cases. I expand the neck on a K-M expander. Then turn the neck. My cutter is set up to turn down into the neck junction just a little. Since I use 133 in my ppc I fill the powder up a third to halfway up the neck seat a bullet it and go bang. Has worked just fine for literally thousands of times.
Adam it will work better if you expand first. I have tried it both ways.
If you expand first try to use an expander that would make your necks close to the chamber size if possible.
I went out today and bought a Tempur-pedic. Will be delivered tomorrow. :)


I tried that one first, hated it :) but I bought from a bed store with a guarantee of satsfaction....... I went thru the visco-elastic, the airbed, the Soma and two innersprings and ended up with a good innerspring which I modified. PM or email me for details.

I can now travel again. I can go camping....life is good. SLEEP is good :) IMO if you're not achieving REM (vivid dreaming) you're losing life.

Don't get me started on my next one, apnea ;) or I'll forget I'm on a shooting forum. But let me tell you a liddle story. After spending 7 hours standing on concrete at the lathe today I stooood and streetched..... and stepped outside for a little jog to loosen up. 6-8yrs ago the thought of trying to run brought on a cold sweat.

lovin' it


Adam it will work better if you expand first. I have tried it both ways.
If you expand first try to use an expander that would make your necks close to the chamber size if possible.

I probably let my mouth(or fingers) run away here. I haven't measured my expanders to see if any really fit the bill. Will do that right after my wife makes the pancakes and sausage for brunch. :)

Jerry Adams

Well. I measured my expanders and the smallest one is .2416 in diameter. The new brass thickness is .015. Which means I would end up with an OD of .2716. If I use the sizing die to bump the shoulder I could put a neck bushing in the die to size the neck back down. Right now the largest neck bushing I have is .258. That an improvement over the .250 OD of the new brass but still a little small. I tried this on one case and had no problem getting the .2716 neck into the bushing. I'll see if Sinclair or Midway has some bushings in .261 or .262.

OK, any mistakes in my math or logic?

Jerry Adams