6ppc barrel round count


scott mims

how many of you still keep count of the rounds you have shot in your barrel? do you think this can be a bad thing? if your barrel is still shooting with 1000-1500 rounds on it will you take that barrel to a BIG match? Ive heard people say if a barrel has 600-800 rounds on it that they will not take it to the big matches because they don't want it to all of a sudden stop shooting. is this a "all of a sudden thing" (small aggs to big aggs 0.200 to a 0.300) or is it just that your aggs will go from a 2 to a 0.230 to a 0.250 like that (smaller changes).

but back to the question do you still keep count or do you let your barrel tell you when to take it off?
would rechambering/recrowning your barrel add enough life to justify the money and time to do it?

i guess what I'm saying is if you have a barrel that shoots flat 2's and it is finally going bad on you and you rechamber it and recrown it what are the chances you will get it to shoot 2's again on a consistent basis?
I am in Dusty's corner shoot 'em till they don't. If you are not placing in top ten, get new barrel or read my book.
entitled "How to swim up stream and but all your friends or drink more"
I had a barrel that had 2000+ rounds on it and it came in 3rd in the 2 gun in THE BEST OF THE WEST. It was still an Honest shooter.
I feel that setting one back helps if you do it early like 500-800rds. Recrowning anytime helps. If you have to pay for a chamber its not worth it in my book. If you do it right youll turn a 1200rd barrel into a 1500 rd barrel.
Tony won't take a worn barrel to the nationals regardless of how it shoots. I know this is because he told me so.
To count or not to count

Several years back,I had a excellent shooting barrel, set back and recrowned at about 1000 rounds.(6PPC)

Had to pay a reputable gunsmith $150.00 to do it. The barrel shot worse after the set back and recrown. I had run out of my favorite lot of powder.

The new powder lot just didn’t work the same. Luckily I had a good supply of bullets from the old batch. Bullets and powder has a big impact on barrel accuracy. At least in my experience.

I don’t count rounds anymore. Don’t see any need to. If I get lucky and get a good shooting barrel, I shoot it until it dies. The target will tell me all I need to know about round count.

Every barrel I have and have had has a computer count, what does it tell me? how many bullets went down the barrel. What does it prove? not a dam thing.
You didn't ask what Tony did,,,you asked what I did. I shoot a barrel until it's gone and then continue to shoot it until I'm sure it's gone....then some more.....
I remember a guy asked my friend how often we dyno our drag racing motor. He answered with "the only dyno I use is that ET and mph clock at the end of the strip". I think the same applies to round counts and borescopes......better to let the target do the talking.

Don't get to caught up on round count if it still shoots good. Yes, Tony won't shoot a barrel with a certain number of rounds but we are NOT him either.

The barrel I shot at the NBRSA Nationls this year had a LOT of rounds on it according to some people. I pulled it off the shelf and set back the chamber a couple weeks before that match. It looked ok with the bore scope and seemed alright in practice. This barrel still shot ok I guess, look at where I finished if you want.

Like Dusty said, it will start to foul more and maybe copper up when they start to die. That is a sad feeling when it happens because I know it might be another 20 barrels before you see another one like it.

Joe Hynes
Oh and I forgot to answer your question. Yes I keep count of every round down the tube. If for any reason to track what they look like as they progress along through their very short lifespan.

Joe Hynes
would rechambering/recrowning your barrel add enough life to justify the money and time to do it?

i guess what I'm saying is if you have a barrel that shoots flat 2's and it is finally going bad on you and you rechamber it and recrown it what are the chances you will get it to shoot 2's again on a consistent basis?

If you do your own work, set backs are worthwhile. Having to pay someone else might make it more trouble than it's worth.

I set barrels back on a regular basis because I like a fresh throat all the time. But then it isn't costing me anything outside the hour or so it takes to do it.
Need to or not...

I change barrels every 5000 rounds; whether I need to or not. Ah...those wonderful 30 cal barrels.

I change barrels every 5000 rounds; whether I need to or not. Ah...those wonderful 30 cal barrels.


My first 30 is an 18 twist Krueger, after about 6000 rounds as a 30BR I decided to try it as a 30x47 on my Groundhog match rifle. Cut about an inch and a half off and rechambered, it is still winning matches.

But 6PPC that is another matter entirely. 2000 rounds if you are lucky.

Wilbur theres a lot of people that go 1500+ rounds on their barrels. Very very few are above mid pack. Theres always a couple hummers out there floating around.
There are a lot of barrels that aren't competitive at 15 rds let alone 1500. It seems like the same guys speak about preloading and how it works so good to.

Joe Hynes
I preload my 30 BR for Score Matches. That way I can weigh each charge in a controlled inviroment.

Besides, the vast majority of Score Matches are single yardage, or no more than a Grand Agg. 75 preloaded rounds works fine for a Grand Agg, 40 for a single yardage. I have a lot of 30BR cases, and they seem to never wear out.