6br 600yard 10 twist??


Active member
Would it be a terrible idea to go with a 10 twist for a 600 yard, light gun, 6BR? I know most would choose an 8 twist and shoot the 105-108 grain bullets. I read a small article about a 10 twist 6BR for 600 yard shooting and it made a little sense to me. The fella in the article was shooting 88gr Berger bullets and i think he set a record with them. Anyway, would a 10 twist be a complete waste of time for 600 yards bench shooting? I am really new to benchrest shooting, so i dont always have my own opinions. How could i. I havent been there or done that yet. I have to rely on what i read from good folks like you. Tell me all about it!!! Thanks Lee
I tried a 6BR with 1in10 twist and was a little disappointed with it and switched to a 8 1/2 twist and a Creedmoor case(I now think a little too much capacity for a 6mm).
The 1in10 would shoot 1/2" groups at 200 with 105 Amax bullets but fell apart at 600, became unstable. I felt I was giving up too much shooting lighter lower BC bullets, maybe I didn't give the 10 twist enought testing with the lighter bullets though. Personally for 600 I would go 8 to 8 1/2 twist and BRX or Dasher.
If there isn't much wind where you shoot the 88gr bullets would probably be ok.

Wow I didnt know a 10 twist would spin a 105 at br velocities, or at any velocity for that matter. I figured the 95gr vld would be pushing it. I thought i knew a little something!!! I guess not. Thanks Lee
If I already had a rifle set up for 600 yd. BR and the only barrel I had was a 10" twist I wouldn't let that stop me from shooting 600 yd. matches and one of the bullets I would try would be the 88 gr. Berger LD . However starting from scratch I would go with a 8" to 8.5" twist 6mm barrel chambered in a 6 BR or a cartridge based on the 6 BR. There is no sense in starting out with a rifle that is BC challenged. On a good windless day you will shoot with the best of them with a 10" twist and a bullet with just over .3 BC but when the wind gets up it's going to start moving your bullet more than a 105 gr. VLD with a BC of over .5. There is a gentleman that we shoot with that uses an improved 6 PPC for 600 yd. BR and he places in the top regularly but when the wind gets up it gives him fits. FWIW


I have 6br and 6BRX in all the tw, but a 9. I have a 10 tw that shoots the 90BT Berger and 95 Bib's great. I have shot 600 with 80gr Fowler's in a 12tw 6BR and done very well. But All the IBS records but 3 have been set with 105 Berger. I have lost count, but it is 30 some records have been set by the 105 Vld Berger. All of the current records, but one, are held by the 105 Berger.

I have seen 68 gr bullets do well in good conditions, but if the wind gets up it as half the BC of the 105.

I had a 10tw 6BRBS (6BR IMP) that would shoot the 95 VLD very well out to 1000 yds.

If I were setting up a 600 yd gun in 10tw, I would set it up for the 95 VLD Berger. They have very little bearing surface, and would need a short freebore, like for light bullets, not for the longer 105. My 10tw have the longer freebore, I can't touch the landings with the 95 Vld's.

If the gun is set up for the 95, then you are set for any bullets from 60 gr to 95gr bullets.

The best thing for 600 and 1000 yds is the 6BR IMP's (6BRX, 6 Dasher,etc.). The 10tw you were talking about was a 6BRDX shooting 88 Breger's , and the record was small LG group 1.02xx" in 2005". That record was broken in 2007by a 6BRX shooting 105 Breger 0.749", then it was broken also by a 6BRX shooting 105 in 2008 0.711" by Rodney's son, Paul.

A 10tw would work fine for 600. The 95 Bib is the best bullet in my 10 tw.

Mark Schronce
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Like i said, I think i will try the 10 twist out. I might not build a hole other gun for this idea though. I may just have another barrel chambered up for a rife i already own. That way if i feel i am giving to much up, i dont have much invested. I hope it works out. Our summers here in Illinois are pretty balmy and still. Most summer days we pray for a breeze! Will see!! Thanks fellas, I appreciate your time!! Lee
Just talking with randy at BIB Bullets and he was telling me that he has a 95gr boat tail bullets as well as the flat base. I didnt get to ask many questions about them with him as we were talking via e-mail. Has anyone shot these boat tail bullets? Would they work better for 600 yards than the flat base? I would assume so, but what do i know!! Lee

I don't have any expirience with 6br and 1in 10. Have alot with a 1in8 which will shoot better than I can with 107 Sierras or 105 Bergers out to 1,000.
Would it be a terrible idea to go with a 10 twist for a 600 yard, light gun,

I've read this post for about a week now and haven't responded until now.
Why handicap yourself with a 10 twist barrel is my thought? A 8 or 8.5 or even a 8.7 twist will do everything a 10 twist will and there is no price difference.Sure the lighter bullets will work in zero wind conditions but if the wind blows your toast.
Just talking with randy at BIB Bullets and he was telling me that he has a 95gr boat tail bullets as well as the flat base. I didnt get to ask many questions about them with him as we were talking via e-mail. Has anyone shot these boat tail bullets? Would they work better for 600 yards than the flat base? I would assume so, but what do i know!! Lee

I shoot Randy's 95BIB FB in my 1:10 28" Krieger 6BR. Mine will stabilize the 95 Berger VLDs ok. But, for day to day performance I would shoot the 95 BIB FB base any day. I am shooting them at 600 yds with success. I don't feel they give up anything on the 105 VLD or 107 SMK in my 1:8 twist BRs. I have shoot them side-by-side. Tim
I think a 10" twist 6BR shooting 88-95gn LDs would be spot on as a 300M gun.
I am thinking it wil bridge the gap between 6PPC/68gn 200yd BR rifles and 6BR/105gn 600yd rifles?
how long do you guys think the barrel needs to be for a 6br and shooting 600 yards? 28, 30?? Dont know if i will go with a 10 twist or the 8. Havent desided yet. Thanks